Choir Policy


Come to class ready to learn with an open heart and mind and confident expectation of musical, emotional, and intellectual growth.


Students need to practice at home on music, choreography, sight-singing and test material, and should complete all homework assignments and projects on time. Mr. Davis and student tutors are available to help you if you feel you need to brush up in some area of music. 

A note to advanced choir students:  At your level the Director's job is not to teach you your notes (you learn little skill that way).  Use your sight reading skills, get together with others at home, and use our practice rooms to do the homework of learning your notes.  Learn your notes quickly so we can make music together.  This is the most basic  job of a singer.


*Racist, sexist, and homophobic language is not acceptable or tolerated in our community-oriented choir classroom or any rehearsal space, or in our school district.  It is uncaring. Always choose the high ground and care for each other, even when you do not understand.  Actively seek to understand and care for others.

1. Come prepared each day with all of your music and a pencil.

2. When your section is called upon to rehearse, the student musician will sit or stand in singing position and contribute effectively to the rehearsal.

3. Students should speak only when called upon or contributing to a class discussion or debate.  Superior students effort is expected.

4. Cell phones or other electronic devices, food, drink and gum are TOTALLY unacceptable in any music rehearsal.  When you retrieve your choir folder from your slot each period replace it with your cell phone.

5. See next section.


Students begin each quarter term with 5 Employment Skill points for each day the choir meets that term, 100-110 points per quarter.  E.S. points are earned when students learn and display punctuality in class, events and performances, being prepared for rehearsal with music and pencil, dedication to others and to the music, positive and productive attitude, homework that is prepared by the beginning of class and ready to turn in.

 E.S. points will be deducted when Daily Expectations are not met.  Superior student work is expected in class and is indicated by a positive and expectant attitude and full contribution to the rehearsal.

 E.S. points will also be debited when a student violates the class preparation rule as outlined above.  Texting during class behind your folder, in your pocket, or behind the seat backs is also unacceptable.

CHEATING AND PLAGIARISM:  Be Honest About What You Know

Be honest during individual assignments, such as tests and learning music.  Sing the composer's words and notes, present your own ideas and find your own answers.  Singing a split second behind the rest of the choir because you do not know your words, notes, or dynamics is CHEATING.

Even the appearance of cheating could lead to a required retake, re-write, or the loss of re-take privileges and will result in a loss of Performance Points. By school policy there must also be a referral for cheating on written work or computerized music theory tests.


All assignments are graded on a "50% floor", meaning that any score lower than 50% remains at 50% no matter how many points are missing.  This ensures that a 30% F does not require five 100% As to catch up.  A student's missed assignment will not disproportionately affect a grade negatively.

CAV Choir, HAWK Choir

 Varsity A-Choir, JV Treble Choir

Chamber Choir

However points will be reassignable and announced according to units studied.


Late student work is accepted with a student's excused absence.  Students are strongly encouraged to acquire homework before the date of absence from class. A student may then turn in work to the director before the absence for a full grade. 

If prearrangement with the director is not possible, a student may do the assignments after the dates of the excused absences.  For each choir day the student misses, the student will have the same number of days to make up the work, to a maximum of 5 day "1s" or day "2s".  After that 5 day grace period, all work is due.

With the exception of a concert performance, work missed due to unexcused absences may be made up with a 10% penalty.

Extra credit is very rare and is limited to a few questions on unit final exams. Under no circumstances will extra credit be assigned to make up for unexcused absences.  Students may not do extra credit to raise a grade that is low due to earning 0 points on assignments.

ATTENDANCE-Excused and Unexcused

1.    Concert and class attendance and participation is expected from people of your high caliber because everyone is important to the ensemble.  You are essential.  As a result, the only allowable excused absence from a performance is due to illness, doctor appointment, family emergency or school-related activity on rare occasions.  Student communication with the teacher is of utmost importance. We will try to avoid all conflicts with games, matches, competitions or tournaments.  In the event of a school conflict, Mr. Davis and the coach or other teacher will work together to create an equitable, viable option for the student. This occurs most often with dance team students.

2.    In the event of an excused absence from a performance, the student must notify the director by email or phone, or ask a parent to email Mr. Davis by 4:00pm the day of the concert.  Again, please communicate with your director.

3.   A missed performance automatically drops a student grade by a full letter, but the student may make up an excused performance absence by completing one assignment from the Varsity Letter/Make Up page, listed elsewhere on this website.  The form below is required.

4.    Absences due to work or vacations are not excused.  When you are notified of a performance date, it is wise to inform your employer immediately.

5.    Unexcused performance absences drop the semester grade by at least one letter.  Do not schedule family vacations during a concert date.  It is not excused and no make-ups are possible.

6.    Employment Skill Points are so important (attendance, tardies and punctuality) that 6 missed rehearsals or one performance can drop your grade 1 letter for the semester unless there are special circumstances (i.e. extended illness).  Missed rehearsal time is irreplaceable.

7.    TARDY POLICY: 1 tardy = recorded. 2nd tardy = confirmation that 3rd tardy is an office referral and call home. 3rd tardy = office referral (Saturday School) and call home.  Repeated tardy behavior constitutes further consequences.

8.    After the 10 minute tardy grace period at the beginning of each class a student arriving late must obtain an admit slip from the Attendance Office.

 9.   Keep track of your own absences.  They can make high school very difficult.

Make Up Assignment.pdf

Click left to download the Performance Make-up Assignment


1.    To minimize interruptions to our rehearsals, students have one freebie bathroom or emergency pass from class PER SEMESTER.

2.    When used, date will be recorded.


As is the case with band and orchestra students, appropriate clothes are needed for concerts and other performances.  This is so that we are unified as a choir and so that no one brings more attention to themselves than others.  We want to look our best (professional) to perform our best.

 CAV Choir, HAWK Choir, Bass/Tenor Choir, and A-CHOIR

CAV Choir, HAWK Choir, Treble Choir and A-CHOIR Soprano/Alto

A-CHOIR, Cavalaires, JV Treble Choir

 **CHAMBER CHOIR:  There is a financial obligation to purchase an outfit to match your choir and strengthen its identity, usually around $90.00 for women and $240.00 for men.  Men wear tuxedos again for upcoming years and women wear dresses two years in a row.  When we change outfits, outgoing singers sell theirs to incoming singers if they chose.  See the director in case of a family financial hardship.

NOTE:  Shorts, jeans, shirts with printing or pictures on them, white socks, and ski coats and jackets are not acceptable formal concert wear.  Neither are tennis or skate shoes.  Use good judgment in selecting clothing that is neat, modest and attractive.