
Here's what students have said when asked if a meeting with the Financial Coach addressed their concerns:

“Yes, Ceci checked in every step of the way to make sure that we were pursuing what I wanted and what I was comfortable with.”

"The financial Wellness Specialist was very clear and direct with addressing my questions. They have provided resources and recommendations, methods, and steps to take. They have also followed up after the meeting with more resources and links to go through to support what we talked about."

"Yes. I was given the personal attention I was looking for, and we discussed the things I wanted to discuss."

"Meeting with Ceci Linton, made me aware of the options available to me and the situation I was in which dispelled all of the anxiety I was feeling surrounding my financial situation.

"It was a big weight lifted off of my shoulders. Ceci is so easy to talk to and she gives me so much motivation to make financial changes! She is AWESOME!"

"After my meeting with Ceci, I felt a lot better about the situation I was in. Though she couldn't help me right away with my problem, she was able to take me to where I needed to go to get the answers and help I needed. Her kindness and willingness to go above and beyond to get me in contact with who I needed to talk to meant so much and made me feel so supported."