
Students, you will receive 1:1 focused attention on the needs you identify. You do not need a referral to make an appointment.

Not Sure What To Talk About?

You do NOT need to have a plan or know what to talk about in the meeting. Ceci will know how to guide you on your journey and help you begin to navigate financial matters on your own. If you are stressed about money, or anxious about the financial future, a visit can help you alleviate your worries. If you are wondering about how money works, just book an appointment with Ceci today.

Students come to discuss all of the following and more:

  • Budgeting

  • Credit Cards

  • Credit Scores

  • Debt


  • Loans and repayment

  • Money Management

  • Emergency Funds

  • Savings

  • Investing

  • Employment Benefits packages

To find out if you could benefit from a Financial Wellness Checkup. Fill out this survey.

Financial Wellness Survey

Here are a few of the Non-Academic Challenges students face when it comes to their finances:

  • Financial stress distracts from academics

  • Financial strain drives academic shortcuts

  • How students eat affects academic performance

  • Precarious finances trigger improvisation, not planning, lack of budgeting

  • Social networks augment resources and cushion financial crises, family to live with and support them

  • Public Benefits can bolster academics, but students rarely seek to use them

  • Students may budget, but unexpected costs often disrupt those plans

  • Summer reduces financial predictability and can derail academic progression, income varies

  • What students don’t know about financial aid can impede academic success. Not SAP-ping a course can cause them to lose their aid.

  • Cost concerns and debt aversion plus uncertain plans impact college choice.

"Students who said they speak at least once or twice a month with their parents about money matters have better financial literacy scores than those who said they hardly or never speak with their parents."

Fact Sheet US Global Global Financial Literacy Excellence Center