Grade Reporting


Honor/Merit Roll - Student Transfers - NCAA Eligibility

All grades are numerical. The passing grade for all levels is 65. The letters written as part of the title of a course are used to designate the level of instruction.

Subject Level

A mark for the first semester is the result of averaging first and second quarter marks with the semester test, where applicable. A second semester mark is the result of averaging third and fourth quarter marks with the final examination, where applicable. The final school mark (FSM) is found by averaging first and second semester averages. In effect, class work counts two-thirds of the final mark and examinations, one-third. The final school mark and Regents score are recorded on a student’s secondary school record and are entered on transcripts sent to colleges and employers.

Honor and Merit Rolls

Grade level high honor, honor and merit rolls are established each marking period. To qualify for the high honor roll, a student must have an average of 93 in all courses with no grade less than 90. To qualify for the honor roll, a student must have an average of 90 in all courses with no grade less than 85. To qualify for the merit roll, a student must have an average of 85 in all courses with no grade less than 80. To qualify for the high honor, honor or merit roll a student must have a citizenship grade of “1” or “2.”

Student Transfers from Other Schools

A parent or legal guardian must accompany students transferring to Shaker High School. Credentials of students transferring to Shaker will be evaluated in terms of the requirements of the student’s previous school and NYS Education Department requirements. Necessary changes in a transfer student’s program of study may be made in consultation with the student’s counselor any time prior to the end of the student’s second full week at Shaker High School. For class rank purposes only, students who transfer with letter grades will have these grades transposed to numerical grades using the following conversion:

Students who transfer after the first five weeks of school will have grades computed as determined by the School Counselor, Department Supervisors and Hall Principal.