World Languages Department Table of Contents


All students are required to have at least two years of instruction in a world language before graduation.  In order to achieve a Regents diploma, students must also pass an exam for Checkpoint A Proficiency by the end of 8th grade or they must pass a high school world language course. Students pursuing an Advanced Regents diploma must complete three years of study in a world language with passage of an examination for Checkpoint B Proficiency.  Students pursuing five-unit extended sequences in business, technology, art and/or music may substitute such sequences for the world language requirement to receive an Advanced Regents diploma.  Students wishing to enter world language study at an advanced level because of background or special circumstances must obtain the permission of the Department Supervisor.

Class Key

Full Year Courses

440 Introductory Spanish

Full Year 1 Unit

The beginning of language study involves the learning of fundamental language patterns. Listening comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing skills are developed. Culture and civilization are studied within the framework of these skills. Communicative materials are used to supplement the text.  

441 Spanish 1R

NCAA Approved Course

Full Year 1 Unit 

This course is the continuation of the first year of study of the middle school year. Listening comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing skills are developed. Culture and civilization are studied within the framework of these skills. Communicative materials are used to supplement the text. 

Modern Language 2R (P)

NCAA Approved Course

Full Year 1 Unit

Prerequisite: Modern Language 1R. 

This course emphasizes oral and written proficiency while building on the basic concepts learned in Modern Language 1R.  Cultural content is integrated with course materials. 

Modern Language 3R (P)

NCAA Approved Course

Full Year 1 Unit

Prerequisite: Modern Language 2R. 

This course focuses on improving communication skills, including listening, speaking, reading, and writing.  In addition, more complex grammatical structures will be introduced.  Students will be exposed to a variety of cultural topics from different authentic sources.  The comprehensive examination for Checkpoint B proficiency is the final examination for this course. 

UHS Modern Language 4R (P)

NCAA Approved Course

Full Year 1 Unit

Prerequisite: A Final School Mark of 80 or above in Modern Language 3R, or the approval of the Department Supervisor.  

This full-year, college-level course is designed to strengthen students’ knowledge of the language through review and practice of previously-learned structures as well as through the study of advanced grammatical concepts.  If enrolled in the University in the High School Program, students can earn 3 to 5 credit hours of college credit in French, Spanish, Russian and German through SUNY-ALBANY or SUNY-Oswego University by enrolling in this course for the full year and paying the required tuition fee to the respective institution.  The college credit phase of this course requires the student to have passed the comprehensive examination for Checkpoint B proficiency. 

UHS Modern Language 5R (P)

NCAA Approved Course

Full Year 1 Unit

Prerequisite: A Final School Mark of 80 or above in Modern Language 4R, or the approval of the Department Supervisor.  

This full-year, college-level course integrates and extends the skills acquired in previous language study by broadening the students’ knowledge of literature, culture and civilization.  Speaking in the world language is practiced by the pupil through the medium of reports and projects.  Critical thinking through individual, as well as group research projects is encouraged.  Controlled and free composition is practiced and related to materials under study.  Summarizing, paraphrasing and note taking in the world language is stressed; quality of work is emphasized.  Readings are of a classical and contemporary nature.  Supplementary reading is extended through use of newspapers, periodicals, magazines and the world language collection in the school library.  If enrolled in the University in the High School Program, students can earn 3 to 5 credit hours of college credit in French, German, Russian and Spanish through SUNY ALBANY or SUNY-Oswego University by enrolling in this course for the full year and paying the required tuition fee to the respective institutions.  The college credit phase of this course requires the student to have passed the comprehensive examination for Checkpoint B proficiency. 

UHS AP Modern Language

NCAA Approved Course

Full Year 1 Unit

Prerequisite: A grade of 95 or better in Modern Language 4R and teacher recommendation (based on students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, class participation, and work habits). 

This is a college-level course for highly motivated world language students who have demonstrated extraordinary ability and achievement in their high school world language courses.  In this course, students will be exposed to advanced vocabulary and grammar.  They will master complex language structures, through composition and conversation practice, while becoming more adept at summarizing, examining and analyzing main ideas and details.  Colloquial and cultural aspects of the world language will be presented through music, video, newspapers, magazines, and the Internet.   The Advanced Placement Examination is required of all students taking this course.  Students who do not take the exam will not receive AP course credit.  This examination, which is administered by the College Board, is recognized by almost all colleges for advanced placement or college credit. The fee is charged by the College Board and must be paid or the student may be removed from the course.  Students in this course may also take advantage of the University in the High School program.    

461 Latin 1R

NCAA Approved Course

Full Year 1 Unit

There are three primary aims of Latin 1: first, to train the student in the structure and fundamentals of the language that are basic to the reading of Latin; to introduce the student to the cultural and historical contributions of the Graeco-Roman world to the development of Western civilization; and third, to develop the student’s basic English vocabulary skills through the understanding of Latin as the root and origin for much of the English language.

462 Latin 2R (P)

NCAA Approved Course

Full Year 1 Unit

Prerequisite: Latin 1R.

The study of the Latin grammar, vocabulary and the Graeco-Roman world continues and intensifies as students prepare for the comprehensive examination for Checkpoint B proficiency in Latin.  A major emphasis is placed on analyzing texts according to grammar and content.  The comprehensive examination for Checkpoint B proficiency is the final examination for this course.

463 UHS Latin 3R (P)

NCAA Approved Course

Full Year 1 Unit

Prerequisite: A Final School Mark of 80 or above in Latin 2R, or the approval of the Department Supervisor.  

In Latin 3 students will broaden and deepen their knowledge of Latin grammar, vocabulary, and Graeco-Roman culture.  Throughout the course, students will compare and contrast various works such as The Aeneid, The Odyssey, and selections by Suetonius and Horace.  If enrolled in the University in the High School Program, students can earn 4 college credits in Latin through SUNY-ALBANY by enrolling in this course for the full year and paying the required tuition fee to the respective institution.  The college credit phase of the course requires the student to have passed the comprehensive examination for Checkpoint B proficiency.