Art and Design Department Table of Contents

Recommended Sequence of Courses for Art and Design


It is recommended that courses be taken in suggested sequences. Studio Art & Design and Media Art & Design are Regents Level full year courses that each fulfill the Fine Arts Graduation Requirement. These initial courses serve as the prerequisite for the full year Art & Design electives. A 5-unit visual art and design sequence must include Studio or Media Art & Design followed by Drawing & Painting. Students taking art and design courses develop a digital portfolio of their work. 

Class Key


711 Studio Art & Design E

Full Year 1 Unit

Studio Art and Design is a Regents level introductory survey style course exploring the elements and principles of design & composition familiarizing students with the variety of half year course offerings available in the art & design department.  Main units include: Composition, Drawing, Color Theory, 3D Design, Human Proportion, Illusion of Depth, Ceramics, & Art Criticism.  Students develop products in a range of traditional materials including pencil, pastel, charcoal, paint, sculpture, ceramics, along with some work in digital media.  Art appreciation, the history of art, art and design careers and cultural heritages are strong themes throughout the year.  This course, or Media Art & Design, is required of all students planning to have a sequence in art, and it meets the fine art graduation requirement.

712 Media Art & Design E

Full Year 1 Unit

Media Art and Design is a Regents level introductory course exploring the elements and principles of design & composition familiarizing students to the variety of half year course offerings available in the art & design department.   Main units include: Composition, Color Theory, 3D Design, Human Proportion, Illusion of Depth, Art Criticism, and students will develop products in a range of digital media including digital photography, graphic design, animation, film/video, 3D modeling/rendering, laser cutting, engraving, and some work in traditional media like pencil, marker, and paint.  Students will use a range of software programs, including the Adobe Creative Suite, animation and movie making programs.   Art appreciation, the history of art, art and design careers and cultural heritages are strong themes throughout the year.  This course, or Studio Art & Design, is required of all students planning to have a sequence in art, and it meets the fine art graduation requirement. 

713 Drawing & Painting E (P)

Full Year 1 Unit

Prerequisite: Studio or Media Art and Design or permission of supervisor

This Regents level full-year course will encourage students to develop visual literacy and awareness through the study of basic drawing and painting skills.  Units include observational drawing in gesture and contour line, value rendering, illusion of depth and linear perspective, human proportion in portrait and figure drawing.  The course will have students explore a variety of techniques and media including pencil, charcoal, ink, marker, pastel, tempera, watercolor, acrylic paint, and digital drawing as they develop work in still life, landscape, interiors and portrait genres. Art history and contemporary art are sources of inspiration in lessons. The observational drawing skills developed in this class are desirable for architecture and art and design portfolios. 

742 Honors Advanced Art & Design 1 E (P)

Full Year 1 Unit

Prerequisite: A FSM of 90 or higher in Drawing & Painting

This Honors level art course is third in the 5 unit sequence and is designed to improve artistic skills and facilitate the transition from high school art to college-level study.  Students will receive intensive support and direction to develop skills emphasizing drawing, color theory, compositional design, spatial representation, expressive content, and delivery of ideas in critiques and artist statements. Students will be introduced to the work of numerous artists and art historical & contemporary periods, as well as creative careers and college programs.  Students are expected to participate in field trips as part of the required course curriculum, and complete a summer art assignment prior to the start of the year.

743 UHS Advanced Art & Design 2 E (P)

Full Year 1 Unit

Prerequisite: A FSM of 85 or higher in Advanced Art and Design 1.  

This Honors level course is fourth in the 5 unit sequence and is ideal for the highly motivated art student who has demonstrated ability and achievement in Art and Design 1 and is interested in advanced study in a variety of art media. Students will be exposed to artist styles and art historical periods through project work, and develop communication skills in critiques and reflections.  Portfolio presentation and observational drawing techniques that colleges look for are a focus in this course.  Students are expected to participate in field trips and portfolio review events as part of required course curriculum and complete a summer portfolio assignment prior to the start of the school year.  This course earns a college transcript from Russell Sage College. A tuition fee is required.

760 UHS Advanced Art & Design 3 E (P)

Full Year 1 Unit

Prerequisite: For seniors only. A FSM of 85 or higher in UHS Advanced Art and Design 2 OR Advanced Art and Design 1 with approved summer pre-college study and permission of the Department Supervisor. 

In this College/AP level course, students build on previous years work and produce a finished portfolio of upwards of 20 pieces. The focus is on technical skills, strength of composition and conveying expressive conceptual visual imagery including a sustained investigation of themes and media through several artworks.  Students will be expected to complete project work during the summer prior to the start of the school year and are expected to participate in field trips and portfolio review events related to course curriculum. Students curate their final collective gallery presentation in which they collaboratively plan, organize and install an end-of-the-year art exhibit. This course earns a colege transcript from Russell Sage College. A tuition fee is required.

Half Year Courses

727 Fashion & Commercial Illustration E 

Either Semester ½ Unit

In this course students will develop drawing skills as they relate to fashion illustration and design. They will be introduced to proportions of the fashion figure and will work with mixed media including ink, markers, watercolors, gouache, crayons and pastels, collage, fabric, and digital drawing. Students will research and produce technical drawings of croquis, fashion styles, costume design and accessories. They will produce fashion flats, mood boards and develop rendering techniques to represent textiles, patterns and fabric draping. Integration of fashion terminology, color theory, and fashion history will help guide students throughout their design process. This course will be ideal for those interested in fashion based fields, such as Fashion Styling, Fashion or Accessory Design, Fashion Illustration, or Textile Design. Students and parents will sign an equipment contract and be responsible for district equipment related to camera, lighting, digital device and computer use.

737 Advanced Fashion & Commercial Illustration E (P)

Either Semester ½ Unit

Prerequisite: A grade of 85 or higher in Fashion & Commercial Illustration.  

In class with beginning students, those at the next level will work on a variety of illustrative drawings developing figure proportions and handling a wide range of art materials, including digital tools.  Students will build on the skills learned at the introductory level and be held to a higher level of criteria in fashion design assignments, which might include environment design related to a fashion line presentation. The department is pursuing a UHS option for advanced level students successfully completing both semesters.

715 Painting E 

Either Semester ½ Unit

This half year painting course will provide students with an opportunity to learn about color theory as they create artwork primarily in watercolor and acrylic paint. Other materials such as gouache, ink, and oil might be incorporated. Students will be introduced to the work of master painters, history of painting, as well as contemporary artwork as sources of inspiration. Students will develop brush handling skills and application techniques associated with painting media. Drawing skills are important and will be stressed when planning and developing compositions. Students will work with subject matter including still life, landscape and the human figure.

745 UHS Advanced Painting E

Either Semester ½ Unit

Prerequisite: A grade of 85 or higher in Painting

In class with beginning painting students, those at the next level will also work in both acrylic and watercolor media. Higher level criteria will be involved in painting assignments. Students will develop several paintings exploring themes with evidence of research in Art History, cultures and contemporary artists. UHS credit may be an option for advanced students. Proposal pending to earn three transcript credits from Russell Sage College. A tuition fee is required.

722 Ceramics 1 (Hand Built) E 

First Semester ½ Unit

In Ceramics 1, students will work in the pottery studio to learn about clay bodies, firing techniques, surface treatments and glazing applications.  Concepts related to elements and principles of design and composition will inform 3D designs. Students will create decorative and functional 3D forms in pinch, coil and slab methods of clay construction. Students will complete a variety of hand-built projects based on techniques and styles from a number of cultures and periods of art history and contemporary art.

752 UHS Advanced Ceramics 1 E (P)

First Semester ½ Unit

Prerequisite: A grade of 85 or higher in Ceramics 1. 

In class with Ceramics 1 students, students at the next level will work to further explore coil and slab construction techniques.  New methods and mixed media techniques for hand building will also be introduced and explored.  Higher level criteria will be involved in ceramics assignments.  Students will be introduced to the art of several well-known ceramic artists and sculptors, and may learn how to combine clay with other media such as wood, metal, glass and fibers. Advanced Ceramics 1 OR 2 students are eligible to earn college credit through Russell Sage College. A tuition fee is required.

723 Ceramics 2 (Intro to Wheelwork) E 

Second Semester ½ Unit

This course allows students the opportunity to work with clay on the pottery wheel.  Students will learn about clay bodies, firing techniques, glazing applications and develop the art of “throwing on the wheel”.  In the pottery studio students will also explore advanced coil and slab building techniques while learning sculptural methods to produce functional or decorative 3D forms.  These projects will be rooted in the styles and techniques of accomplished traditional and contemporary ceramic artists and sculptors.

753 UHS Advanced Ceramics 2 E (P)

Second Semester ½ Unit

Prerequisite: A grade of 85 or higher in Ceramics 2 

In class with beginning wheelwork students, advanced students will work on a variety of challenging hand-built forms with the primary focus on making vessels produced on the potter's wheel.  Higher level criteria will be involved in advanced ceramics 2 assignments. Students will learn techniques for creating a variety of exciting forms on the wheel.  They will be introduced to work of well-known sculptors and ceramic artists. Advanced students are eligible to earn college credit for Advanced Ceramics 1 OR 2 through Russell Sage College. A tuition fee is required.

717 3D Design (Sculpture) E 

Either Semester ½ Unit

This course will provide students with an understanding and appreciation of sculptural forms and techniques.  The students will explore the three-dimensional relationships of volume, mass, and surface treatment. Form and function applications in fields of product design and other creative careers will also be explored. Sculpture materials such as clay, wood, wire, plaster, glass and paper will be utilized. Work of contemporary 3D designers and sculptors will be introduced, in addition to the history of this 3D art form. 

747 Advanced 3D Design E (P)

Either Semester ½ Unit

Prerequisite: A grade of 85 or higher in 3D Design.  

In class with first-time 3D design students, advanced students will continue an in-depth exploration of various materials as they relate to volume, mass, and form. Higher level criteria using the design thinking process will be involved in sculpture assignments. Students will be expected to take inspiration from the work of contemporary 3D designers and sculptors in addition to historical jewelry adornment. They will research objects, artists and styles for each 3D design completed during the semester.

720 Spatial & Interior Design E 

Either Semester ½ Unit

This course will provide students the opportunity to explore and develop concepts of space, form, and three-dimensional problem solving techniques used when designing room interiors.  Students will incorporate the elements and principles of design and composition that shape relationships between people and their environments.  Focus will be on developing drawing, sketching and modeling skills as they relate to linear perspective and the conceptual design of interior spaces people inhabit for living, working and recreation. Students and parents will sign an equipment contract and be responsible for district equipment related to camera, lighting, digital device and computer use.

730 UHS Advanced Spatial & Interior Design E (P)

Either Semester ½ Unit

Prerequisite: A grade of 85 or higher in Spatial & Interior Design

In class with beginning students, advanced students will further explore concepts of space, form, and three-dimensional problem-solving techniques used in interior design. Higher level criteria will be involved in advanced assignments. Continued development of drawing, sketching, modeling, and linear perspective skills will support conceptual design of interior spaces for living, working and recreation. Digital computer designing will be introduced.  Students and parents will sign an equipment contract and be responsible for district equipment related to camera, lighting, digital device and computer use. Advanced students are eligible to earn college credit through Russell Sage College. A tuition fee is required.

719 Graphic Design E 

Either Semester ½ Unit

This course will introduce students to skills and design techniques used by commercial artists often working with Adobe Creative Suite software. In this course, students will learn about typography, logo, product, publication, and web design.  Students will develop creative visual problem solving skills, rooted in the elements and principles of composition and layout to communicate visual messages with text in graphic images. The class may work with local companies and the school district to create logos, billboards, t-shirts, and publications used in the community.  Students and parents will sign an equipment contract and be responsible for district equipment related to camera, lighting, digital device and computer use.

749 UHS Advanced Graphic Design E (P)

Either Semester ½ Unit

Prerequisite: A grade of 85 or higher in Graphic Design.  

In class with first-time Graphic Design students, students at the next level will further develop the graphic design related techniques learned at the introductory level.  Higher level criteria will be involved in design assignments. Adobe Creative Suite software will be used to create projects for print.  Students will continue to develop a portfolio of graphic design work.  Emphasis will be placed on developing drawing skills related to designs. Students and parents will sign an equipment contract and be responsible for district equipment related to camera, lighting, digital device and computer use. Advanced students are eligible to earn college credit through Russell Sage College. A tuition fee is required.

729 Animation & Character Design E 

Either Semester ½ Unit

In this course, students will study the art and history of animation and character development.  The primary focus is on drawing through storyboarding, concept ideas and character design, which have applications to game design and storytelling. Students will learn how to sketch and draw with greater confidence as they learn how to illustrate the human body and figure proportion related to character designs.  Animation projects will include digital media equipment and stop-action animation techniques including video editing using current animation software.  Students and parents will sign an equipment contract and be responsible for district equipment related to camera, lighting, digital device and computer use.

739 Advanced Animation & Character Design E (P)

Either Semester ½ Unit

Prerequisite: A grade of 85 or higher in Animation and Character Design.  

In class with beginning Animation & Character Design students, advanced students will further explore concept, environment and character development, reinforcing figure proportion drawing as well as explore a more in-depth use of animation software programs to create short animated films.  Higher level criteria will be involved in advanced assignments. Students and parents will sign an equipment contract and be responsible for district equipment related to camera, lighting, digital device and computer use.

724 Digital Photography E 

Either Semester ½ Unit

This course will introduce students to the study of manipulating and digitally enhancing photographic images. Studio, portrait, and environmental photography will be covered. Students will learn the functions and manual settings of a DSLR camera. Students and parents will sign an equipment contract and be responsible for district equipment related to camera, lighting, digital device and computer use. Using digital software programs, including Adobe Photoshop, students will work with photographs on the computer and apply the elements and principles of art to create aesthetically strong art compositions using the software tools. Work of historical and contemporary photographers will be used as inspiration.

726 UHS Advanced Digital Photography E (P)

Either Semester ½ Unit

Prerequisite: A grade of 85 or higher in Digital Photography.  

In class with Intro Digital Photography students, students at the next level will work with the digital camera and build on their photo manipulation software skills. Students will compose photographs that solve design problems that create strong art compositions rich in the use of the elements and principles of art/design.   Students and parents will sign an equipment contract and be responsible for district equipment related to camera, lighting, digital device and computer use  Higher level criteria will be involved in advanced assignments. Advanced students are eligible to earn college credit through Russell Sage College. A tuition fee is required.

728 Digital Film & Video

Either Semester ½ Unit

This course is designed to introduce students to the creative aspects of film making, storytelling and video production as an art form.  Students will learn to use film language both as a viewer and as a creator.  Students will become skilled in film and video production, including script writing, designing storyboards, camera handling, filming, editing, and utilizing sound.  Students will create and screen their own films demonstrating original ideas.  The history of film and the work of accomplished film and video artists will be covered.  Students and parents will sign an equipment contract and be responsible for district cameras, lighting and computer equipment.

758 Advanced Digital Film & Video E (P)

Either Semester ½ Unit

Prerequisite: A grade of 85 or higher in Digital Film and Video.  

In class with Intro Film and Video students, advanced level students will work on challenging projects that will further develop their cinematic skills.  Students will watch, critique and review classic films and learn how to use movie editing and music composition software in preparation for creating their own individual films. Higher level criteria will be involved in advanced digital storytelling and commercial messaging assignments.  Students and parents will sign an equipment contract and be responsible for district cameras, lighting and computer equipment.

714 UHS Metal & Jewelry Design E 

Either Semester ½ Unit

Students will create small metal art forms of personal adornment. Students will design and produce jewelry using traditional metalsmith techniques such as wire work, metal, piercing, sawing, filing, polishing, soldering, and copper enameling. They also will be introduced to jewelry produced through laser cutting, engraving and 3D printing.  Students will develop drawing and design skills as they consider the aesthetic qualities and functionality of their jewelry designs. Students are eligible to earn college credit through HVCC. A tuition fee is required.

744 UHS Advanced Metal & Jewelry Design E (P)

Either Semester ½ Unit

Prerequisite: A grade of 85 or higher in Metal and Jewelry Design.

In class with first-time students, advanced students will build on the skills learned in Metal & Jewelry Design. New techniques may be learned as well, such as cold connections, like rivets and tabs.  Higher level criteria will be involved in advanced assignments. There is a heavy emphasis on drawing and design skills and opportunities for laser cutting, engraving and 3D printing. Self-driven research to develop design ideas is expected. Students are eligible to earn college credit through HVCC. A tuition fee is required.

759 UHS Art History E (P)

Either Semester ½ Unit

Prerequisite: FSM of 85 or higher in Regents level English and Regents level Social Studies. 

This course is an introductory college course that surveys great works of art, artists, and art historical movements from prehistory to the present.  Works of painting, sculpture, architecture, and decorative arts will be used to make analytic comparisons and explore the relationship between these works and the cultures that made them. Students will experience, research, and write about art and architecture throughout time. Students are eligible for college credit. A tuition fee is required.

738 Art & Design Foundations 1

Full Year 1 Unit

Supervisor Recommendation Required 

This course will build students’ knowledge about cultures and society, develop interpersonal skills, aptitudes and abilities in handling a range of materials to create art and design products.  Students will create and collaborate on artwork through an exploration of a variety of 2D and 3D media to master foundational skills and competencies.  Students will learn from one another, developing problem solving skills, and building a sense of community in the classroom and beyond.  They will develop artistic purpose and communicate intent through project work.  Learning how to think about and respond to art and how it connects to cultures and society will be an important theme of the course.

748 Art & Design Foundations 2

Full Year 1 Unit

Supervisor Recommendation Required 

This course will continue to develop students’ knowledge about cultures and society.  Students will continue to focus on effective interpersonal skills, aptitudes and abilities in handling a range of materials to create art and design products.  Students will create and collaborate on artwork through an exploration of a variety of 2D and 3D media to reinforce and master skills and competencies.  Students will learn from one another, develop problem solving skills, and contribute to a sense of community in the classroom and beyond.  They will continue to develop artistic purpose and communicate intent through project work.  Learning how to think about and respond to art and how it connects to cultures and society will be further expanded.