NIH-NASA Summer 2019 Webinar Series

Topics: Microbiomes | Omics | Behavioral Research

Alternate Thursdays*, July 11th - September 19th 2019, from 12-1p ET

*Exceptions to this schedule may be made to accommodate speaker availability

Hosted by the Scientific Potential/Actual Collaborative Effort (SPACE) Group (link), the aim of this series is to provide a regular opportunity for interested researchers, agency staff, and others to engage between quarterly SPACE group meetings. The series will focus on three research areas: microbiomes, omics, and behavioral science research. Two talks will be given per topic, with perspectives alternating between NASA and NIH research focuses.

Dates/Time: Bi-weekly, Thursdays, 12-1p (~40 min. talk, ~20 min. moderated Q&A), Jul. 11th – Sept. 19th

Webinar Access: WebEx

Audience: Interested researchers, agency staff, and others. Targeted to (but not limited to) SPACE group members.

Development Team: Dr. Lisa Carnell; Dr. Lucie Low; Samantha Jonson, MPS; Dr. Ursula Koniges

Questions, comments, or suggestions: Please send an email to

Seminar Series Schedule – Alternate Thursdays* from 12-1p ET (*with some exceptions to accommodate speaker availability)

Webinar Recordings:

Volume difficulties? Contact:



  • NIH Omics
Not Available (Per PI Request)

