Yoga and Mindfulness

Yoga and Mindfulness Practice

Yoga is great for a person's physical and mental health and well being! Yoga is practiced for health and relaxation and combines breathing techniques, mediation, and stretching. 

Mindfulness is being aware of the present moment. It is a therapeutic technique that allows a person to acknowledge and accept their feelings and thoughts by bringing attention to the present moment.

Use the resources below to explore both yoga and mindfulness and see how it can help you relax, destress, and center yourself! Namaste! 


Use this link ---> Move This World   <--- to access breathing activities!

Use password: togetherwecan to access videos


Learn yoga poses with this fun video!

This fun song teaches basic yoga stretches!


"Be The Pond" explores the way our many feelings come and go and helps students process their emotions. 

This meditation uses each color of the rainbow as a way to help students relax and focus on their breathing.



Coloring Mandalas

A relaxing way to find calm is to color a mandala. Mandalas are geometric shapes and coloring them requires concentration and encourages relaxation. They represent the idea that everything is connected! Here is an online version to color: Color Mandala Try it and let your mind wander!

Online Coloring

Online coloring is a great way to relax and destress! Use your imagination to create beautiful artwork. Here are some links to online coloring sites:

Color By Number 

Coloring Online