
Adjusting Security Settings for your Personal Meeting ID 

Beginning on September 27,  Zoom is changing security  settings to require all meetings to use a passcode or the waiting room feature.   This change will impact all meetings including those planned with a  Personal Meeting ID

Given that faculty and staff may have previously scheduled meetings using the Personal Meeting ID on their calender's or within courses, the default setting for meetings scheduled using a Personal Meeting ID will be set to use a waiting room. 

If faculty prefer to use the passcode or use both security features, the instructions below explain how update your Personal Meeting ID settings.  Regardless of your preferred secuirty setting, Zoom will always require you to use at least one of these features for all meeting types beginning on September 27, 2020.

Note: This resource explains two different ways to access and adjust your Personal Meeting ID settings.  Any setting change made using either option shown below will update the security settings for all planned and future meetings using your Personal Meeting ID number. 

Option 1: Updating Personal Meeting ID Security Settings Using the Zoom Website

Step 1:  Go to https://Zoom.us.

Step 2: Click Sign in and login with your Zoom email and password. 

Step 3: Click the Meetings tab. 

Step 4: Click on the Personal Meeting tab. 

Step 5: Click Edit. 

Step 6: Adjust the security settings as appropriate by setting Passcode and/or Waiting Room

Note: Setting a PMI passcode on this screen will require this passcode for any meeting (previously scheduled or new) that uses your Personal Meeting ID number. 

Step 7: Click Save.

Option 2: Updating Personal Meeting ID Security Settings Using the Zoom App on your Computer

Step 1: Launch Zoom on your computer

Step 2: Sign in to your account using your Zoom specific email and password.

Step 3: Click the menu arrow under the New Meeting button

Step 4:  Scroll down within the menu and hover over your personal meeting ID number, then select PMI Settings from the drop-down menu

Step 5: Adjust the security settings as appropriate by setting Passcode and/or Waiting Room

Note: Setting a PMI passcode on this screen will require this passcode for any meeting (previously scheduled or new) that uses your Personal Meeting ID number. 

Step 6: Click Save.