Course Level Reporting

Faculty enrolled in a  course have access to a number of reporting tools that can provide insight into course activity and  student progress.  Course reporting tools are based off of the system logs that track user actions and visits over time

Important note: Course  reporting tools should not be used as the sole method for determining achievement of course learning outcomes,  grades,  participation and/or cases of academic dishonesty.  The use of Moodle system reporting should always be combined with other assessment and evaluation approaches including formative and summative assessment tasks, faculty-student interactions, professional judgement, etc.

Course Level Reporting

Student and faculty actions are recording in the course logs which track basic activity over the course of the semester. Log data is accessible to faculty in a few different report formats. 

Note: To review the actions of a single student,  faculty may also want to use the Student Level Reporting option

To access course reports

Step 1: From the course page, click Reports.  

Step 2:  Under the Reports section, click on the appropriate title to access the reporting tool.

Logs -  Course Logs track every action or click made by students in the system. This allows you to view student activity using various criteria to see all the actions taken in the course.  

Activity Report - This report compiles the log data by each course activity. This gives you a high level view of what students are doing relating to each activity. 

Course Participation -  This report is probably the best overall view to see which students are participating in your course. This report allows you to filter by activity, date, role or action and see which students have participated based on the filters. You can only filter by one activity at a time in this report. If you want to see a comprehensive view of individual students' activity, click on a name and find the user outline report.