Consolidating Sections using Meta-Links

Consolidating (or Merging) Multiple Course Sections

Teachers often have multiple sections of the same course in Moodle. In some cases each section is unique and requires a separate course page in Moodle. However, when the same content is being covered in multiple sections of a course, it may be best to merge  all users into one master course and then hide the unused course(s) from view. You should always inform students that being enrolled in a different course title and/or number in Moodle.

Note: Course consolidations are made in Moodle only, students will still be enrolled in their original sections in NazNet where the official enrollments are managed and grades are submitted.

The following process outlines the steps needed to create a meta link feed that will place all students into a master course. 

Linking Enrollment to  the Master Course

Begin in the course that will be used as the master section for the semester.

Step 1: On the course page header, click on the Participants tab.

Step 2: From the enrolled users drop-down select Enrollment methods.

 Step 4: Click Add method field and select course meta link from the drop-down menu. 

Step 5: Enter the course tile in the search text field and selected the desired course title. 

Note: You must be enrolled as a teacher in any sections that you wish to link to the master course.

Repeat step 5 as necessary to add additional courses. 

Step 6:  Click Add method to connect the course enrollment. 

Hiding an Unused Course Section from View

Once the users have been enrolled in the master course and students were notified of the change, you should then hide the unused course from view. This will remove the section from the My Courses block and eliminate the possible confusion caused by having multiple, similarly named courses in Moodle. 

Step 1: From the course page header, click settings

Step 2: Under Course Settings, click the Visible drop-down menu and select Hide.

Step 3: Scroll to the bottom and click Save and display when finished.