Grading Features

Using a Checklist for Grading

The grading Checklist allows an instructor to score an activity using a simple list of assignment requirements that can be quickly checked off and assigned the corresponding value. This advanced grading feature can be a helpful tool for consistently applying criteria to a submitted Assignments and Open Forum activities.

Once students submit, you will want to review instructions for grading an assignment using a checklist..

Adjusting Activity Grade Settings to Include a Checklist

For training purposes, this process will be demonstrated using an Assignment activity. A Checklist can be added to an Open Forum by making similar adjustments to the Grade category settings beginning on Step 13.

Step 1: Switch to edit mode.

Step 2: Locate the topic section (or week) in which the content will be located and click +Add an activity or resource.

Step 3: In the pop-up menu, select Assignment.

Step 4: Enter a title in the Assignment name field. 

Step 5: If desired, enter text in the Description field.  Including instructions in this field can provide helpful guidance for students.

Step 6 Click the check box if you wish the description to display on the front of the course. If left unchecked, the description will display after they click into the Assignment. 

The Assignment feature allows you to upload a file relating to the assignment. This is optional but can be helpful for providing detailed instructions, materials or grading expectations to students.

Step 7: To add a supporting file to the assignment, click the file upload icon and then  select the file from your computer Or drag and drop a file from your computer into the file upload field.

Step 8: Click on the Availability heading to expand the assignment date options. 

Step 9: To open the assignment on a specific date, enter the appropriate dates in the Allow submission from fields.  

Step 10: To set the due dates, enter the appropriate dates in the Due date fields. Note: By default, students are able to submit assignments after the due date.

Step 11: If you wish to restrict student submissions after a certain date, click the Enable check box and then enter the appropriate date in the Cut-off date fields. 

Step 12:   (Optional) If you wish to be reminded when submissions need to be graded, click the Enable check box and then enter the date in the Remind me to grade by fields.

Step 13:  Click on the Grade heading to expand the grade options.

Step 14: If desired, enter a new value in the Maximum grade field. 

Step 15: Click the Grading Method field and select Checklist from the drop-down menu. 

Step 16:  Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save and display when finished. 

Building a Checklist

After clicking “Save and display” in Assignment settings, you will be taken to the Advanced grading page. 

Step 1: Click the Gear icon and select Advanced grading from the drop-down menu.

Step 2: To create a new checklist, click Define a new grading form from scratch

Step 3: Enter a specific name for the rubric in the Name field. 

Step 4:  If desired, enter text in the Description field.  Including instructions in this field can provide helpful guidance for students.

Step 5: Scroll down to the Checklist section of the page.  

Step 6: Click on Click to edit group and enter a group name. 

Step 7: Click on Click to edit item and then enter a description in the textbox and a value in the points field.

Add additional items to the group by repeating Step 6.

Step 8: To add additional items, click +Add item and repeat Step 6. 

Step 9: To add additional groups, click +Add Group and then repeat steps 5-6. 

Step 10: When finished building the Checklist, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save.

Note: Clicking Save as a draft will allow you to save the Checklist to  work on later. Rubrics saved as a draft must be published before it will be visible or usable.