
Enabling Turnitin for an Assignment

Turnitin can be enabled in a new or existing Assignment in your course.  Once enabled, all future submissions will be processed by the Turnitin originality checking service. If files were previously submitted to the Assignment before the tool was enabled, students will need to resubmit their papers in order to generate a similarity report.

Important Note: When enabling Turnitin for assignments in your course, it is highly recommended that include text in your course syllabus to notify students that you will be using this originality checking service for written work.   

Any questions or concerns relating to the use of this tool can be directed to the campus Academic Integrity Committee. 

This guide outlines the process for enabling Turnitin within the settings in an existing assignment. For assistance creating a new Assignment activity in your course, please refer to the Creating an Assignment help page.   

Step 1: Click the Edit mode and select Configure Turnitin block on from the Turnitin drop-down menu. 

Step 2: To enable Turnitin, click the Settings menu on Edit mode

Step 3: Scroll down and click Turnitin Plagiarism plugin settings to expand the settings menu. 

Step 4:  Click the Enable Turnitin field and select Yes from the drop-down menu. 

Step 5:  If you would like to the file to be stored in the Turnitin repository, select Standard Repository.  

Note: This setting will add the paper to the Turnitin database allowing it to be used in future Turnitin originality checks.   

Turnitin is preset with standard instructional settings by default. Instructors retain the ability to modify Turnitin settings based on personal preferences.  Additional settings information can be found in the Customizing the Turnitin Plagiarism Plugin section of the Creating an Assignment support page offered by Turnitin. 

Step 6:  Verify all other Assignment settings are correct and click Save and return to course when finished.