
Faculty have the option to enable the Turnitin originality checking service in any Moodle course Assignment.  Turninin, when activated, will generate a similarity report for any student assignment submission. The similarity report shows the percentage of content that was found to match existing content from various sources including websites, research databases, and our own internal repository.  Turnitin must be applied to a Moodle Assignment before the assignment is submitted. 

For assistance using Turnitin with your course assignments, please refer to the following instructional guides:

Enabling Turnitin for an Assignment

Accessing a Turnitin Similarity Report

Turnitin AI Writing Detection User Guide

Turnitin Suggested Syllabus Statement - all faculty who use Turnitin must disclose the tools use to students

If you have questions or concerns relating to use of this tool on campus, please contact a member of the Academic Integrity Committee

Want to learn more, updated information about Turnitin? 

This 50 minute recorded webinar from Turnitin explains how this tool works, new releases, and how this tool can support academic integrity in education.