
Adding Embedding Polling in Videos

Echo360 now offers the ability to embed questions within videos.  These video polls require a student response before they can proceed with the video.  This video polling feature adds questions to your existing videos which creating a new file type called Interactive Media.  Once created in Echo360, students can be given access to Interactive Media through your Echo360 section

Embedding polling resources:

Additional information about embedding polling can be found in this training session recording.

Adding an Embedding Polling Video in your Echo360 section

The steps below explain how to share an existing interactive media file on your Echo360 section page. 

Step 1: While viewing your Echo360 section, click New Class.

Step 2:  Enter a title in the Name field and click OK.

Step 3:  Click the Plus sign (+) and select Interactive Media from the drop-down menu.

Tip: Versions of videos that include polls are label as Interactive Media.

Step 4:  Click the Checkbox for the correct interactive media title. 

Step 5: Click Import

The class will update to include a green interactive media icon indicating it is available to students.