Quick Writes

A Moment in Time in our Holidays

LI: describe an event adding detail

Choose something you did in the holidays that you can remember well. Visualise it in your head. Tell a buddy all about it.

Plan some ideas you could write about it using a "brainstorm".

Use the following sentence starters to show your ideas;

I heard.........

I saw .............

I felt ..............

I wondered ..........

I smelt ............

I tasted ................

What is this creature

Invent your own sport for the Olympics!

  • What is it called?
  • How do you play, how do you win?
  • Does it have any special equipment or uniform?
  • Can you be disqualified?

My Hometown: What is special about the town you come from?

There are loads of songs about singers and their hometowns, here are a few.

What do you love about your hometown, what pops into your head that you see, hear, smell, taste, feel etc. If you were describing your hometown to someone from another place, what would you say?