Sora app for Reading

Looking to read an eBook or Magazine your school Chromebook or personal device? Start here. 

Destiny Book Catalog

Looking for a print book? Fiction or Non Fiction? Start here.


Looking to be more organized in your research or keep better track of your resources? Check this tool out!

Scholarly Resources & Creating a Bookmarks Folder

Where can you find scholarly resources for research? How can you create a Bookmarks folder so you can quickly and easily locate these resources?

Explanation of Noodle Tools Cards

Get a little more insight into the function of NoodleTools and how you can use it for notetaking and citation. 

Quick Tip: Revisiting your database article 

Remember to click "get link" or the copy icon to get a link to the article in Gale or JSTOR. Copying the URL/web address WILL NOT WORK

How to Limit Image Search Results to ensure permission to use. 

Click here for additional information about Creative Commons Licenses for creative works and images. 

Confused about what and how you can use other people's work in your project? 

Check out Copyright &Creativity's YouTube Playlist related to Copyrighted works being used in schools. 

Found something amazing that you would like to use in a project or presentation, but it is protected by copyright? Snail mail or email the creator/author/owner and ask for permission! In many cases, they will be flattered that someone values their work and if you assure attribution (giving credit) you just might get the go ahead!