Library Hours: 

Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. - 3 p.m.  

(later hours available upon request; email

Use Destiny to access the NRHS Library Collection by signing in with your Nauset google account. 

Use SORA to access our eBooks and eMagazines by signing in with your Nauset google account

During the NRHS Renovation project the Library shares space with the Cafeteria - we now call B111 the Librateria. Students are welcome to check out books from our collection as well as receive help in setting up digital reading access via the Sora app. Additionally, students can create accounts with our local CLAMS libraries and the Boston Public Library to gain access to thousands of additional titles. 

Our future Research Center and Library Learning Commons promises to be a bright light on the Nauset campus. Over the next two years, while construction is ongoing, we will be rebuilding our Library's print Fiction and Non-Fiction collections. Stop in to see what new titles we are adding! 

NRHS Games Library

Looking to play a game during lunch or before school? Check out a game and be sure to return it, with all the pieces, when you are done!