Virtual instruction Program

serving Inderkum and Natomas High Schools

Natomas Unified’s 9-12 Virtual instruction Program (ViP) is a program of choice for NUSD students enrolled at either Inderkum or Natomas High Schools that gives students and families options and flexibility in how their learning is scheduled. For students in grades 9-12, this is a virtual instructional and in-person instructional learning model with a blended learning schedule at Inderkum High School and Natomas High Schools. The ViP is intended to be an educational commitment, a long term learning alternative to traditional schools, and not a temporary alternative. Students still have access to elective courses, athletics/sports, ASB events, extracurricular activities, and CTE courses at their boundary high school of either Natomas or Inderkum High School.

Key Benefits


Inderkum High School: 

Natomas High School:

Math Tutoring Buddies Program (Sac State)

The Department of Mathematics & Statistics at Sacramento State is offering a new tutoring program for high school students. The mission of the Math Tutoring Buddies Program is to provide free, high-quality one-on-one tutoring to high school students in the local community that will enrich the learning opportunities for both university and middle/high school students. By providing individualized support in their math learning, this program aims to improve educational opportunities and outcomes and increase awareness of STEM higher education for middle and high school students who might otherwise not have access to these resources.

Learn more about Math Buddies.

Varsity Tutors TK-12 Students 

Varsity Tutors is an online tutoring service that offers students 24-7 access to:

All NUSD students have access to Varsity Tutors through their Clever login. It will be under District Programs on the student's Clever. The apps are mostly alpha-sorted, so it would be in the end. 


Learn More about Varsity Tutors services with families.

If you have any questions, please contact Lisset Mijares

Technology Help

Families/students should contact IT if they need technical support with their district issued device. Voicemails and emails will be monitored by the technology team.

Technology support for students experiencing difficulties with the Chromebook.
Phone: (916) 567-5880 (leave voicemail)

Information Technology Web Page (IT Dept), click here.

Maintenance and care of Student Chromebooks, click here

Chromebook Safety & Care Video

Sample Daily Routine

How to check Grades

Parents and Guardians can get access to real-time student information including grades using the Infinite Campus Parent Portal.

Link to Infinite Campus Parent / Student Portal

Instructions to access Infinite Campus can be found here.

It's recommended that parents and students check Infinite Campus at least weekly to keep updated with student progress.

ViP Merchandise

Follow the link provided and scroll to the bottom of the page to find the ViP Merch.

ViP Merch