Camping Trip

Camping and Medical Release Form (Click Here) Check is $175 to NNHS.

Itinerary Listed Below as Google Doc (Click Here)

NNHS Girls’ Cross Country Camping Trip

August 16th-18th, 2024

Objective: On this trip, it is our objective to get to know ourselves as a team, to have fun and to set a clear direction for our season.

Friday, August 16th

3:30 p.m. – Leave for Macomb

7:30  Arrive at Spring Lake Park/Unload Busses

  Set up camp/dinner

8:30 Meet @ campfire ring

11:00 – Quiet in the camp

Saturday, August 17th

7:30 a.m. – Wake up

7:45 – Meet and rope stretch w/ lunges

7:45 – Workout

9:30 Breakfast served/showers/free time/individual target and goal time/boating

11:15 – Meet at Campfire Circle

3:00 p.m. – Meet for games

4:30 – Leave for Iverson’s

5:00 – Eat Dinner at Iverson’s

9:15 – Return to Spring Lake


10:00 – Quiet in Campsite/Campfire if desired.

Sunday, August 18th

7:00 a.m. – Wake up

7:30 – Short Recovery Workout

8:00 – Shower/Eat Breakfast/Break Camp/Load Busses

9:30 -- Leave for NNHS

Approx. 2:30 – Arrive back at NNHS (we will stop on the road to eat lunch).

Things to Pack

__Lots of running clothes (in fact, come to the bus on Wednesday ready to run) 

__Running shoes (taken ON the bus, not UNDER the bus) 

__Casual clothes you don’t mind getting dirty 

__CROSS COUNTRY GUIDEBOOK! (should be with you on the bus)

__Shower sandals 

__Sleeping bag 


__Air mattress (optional, but nice in the case of significant rain) 

__2-3 towels 

__Yoga mat (if you have one – otherwise, a beach towel works well) 

__Normal Toiletries (toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, etc…) 


__Insect Repellant

__Water Bottle


__Sweatshirt/pants – in case it gets cool at night. 

__Rain poncho – just in case

__Money for lunch (Thurs) *we stop for fast food, so $10 will work

__Snack food (Please keep this to a minimum, as it tends to attract unwanted company at night, and we will have food and snacks available. Whatever you bring should NOT be stored in your tent.) 

__Cell phones are OK, but PLEASE keep use of them to a minimum throughout the trip.  Plus, there are limited opportunities for re-charging.

TIP #1: Pack your clothes in large plastic bags that can be sealed (i.e. large zip-locs). That way, if we get a storm, your stuff will stay nice and dry! 

TIP #2: Keep stuff away from the sides of your tents – anything pushing against the wall of a tent allows water in if it rains.

TIP #3: Keep your tent zipped shut.  Failure to do so invites unwanted visitors!

TIP #4: Learn what poison ivy looks like.  It can make for some uncomfortable days if you contact it!

Questions before the trip? E-mail Mr. Iverson at

Questions during the trip? Call Mr. Iverson at 630-569-1383. Cell reception is a little spotty where we are, so if you cannot reach Mr. Iverson on the cell phone, please feel free to call his parents at 309-837-5125. They can get a message to us very quickly.