Feature Stories

Kudos to our unsung heroes!

Naim’s Unsung Heroes: Fire-fighting team helps combat bushfire in Miri

Naim Miri’s fire-fighting team sprung into action again to help put out a forest fire at Kuala Baram recently. The team, which was formed more than 10 years ago as part of our contribution to the community deployed a total of 16 staff volunteers from HSE, Landscaping and security personnel to assist the authorities to fight the fire amidst extreme weather conditions and strong wind.

Kuala Baram district is well known for its notorious annual wildfire and authorities in Miri have started aerial water bombing operations in August to contain the raging flames in the area.

Our volunteers in action!
Our team work closely with BOMBA miri
Fire fighting continues even at night!
One of our volunteers working hard to put out the bush fire at Kuala Baram