Resources and helpful information for educators of ELs
NAELPA is committed to providing resources that are helpful to educators of multilingual learners. NAELPA has created a Resources For Educating MLs Online which provides links to resources on a separate page under the Resources page of this website. The NAELPA Executive Board and membership are committed to doing all we can to assist in the education of MLs during this unprecedented time in the history of education in our country. With that in mind, we have also written a short white paper to help educators understand the Coronavirus relief funding for education, the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds. With nearly $200 billion in funding, this white paper is helpful for educators to know how these funds can be used to support the education of MLs. For more information, read the white paper on Using ESSER, ESSER II, and ESSER III Funds to Support ML Education.
The U.S. Department of Education (USED) website.
OELA EL Toolkit.
USED Newcomer Toolkit.
National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition (NCELA).
USED Office for Civil Rights "Schools’ Civil Rights Obligations to English Learner Students and Limited English Proficient Parents".
- WIDA - Marco DALE - Spanish Language Development Standards
National Association of Educational Translators and Interpreters of Spoken Languages (NAETISL) - Toolkit for Educational Interpreters
Project MOMENTUM- free online professional learning for teachers of multilingual learners (funded by OELA NPD grant)
This month on ASSETS, Dr. Lawrence welcomes you to the first of an exceptional four-part series where we hear from the voices of our students.
Follow along as Dr. Lawrence sits down with former students who served on the Iowa Student Learning Institute’s ELL Leadership Team at the Iowa Department of Education. Together, they share their mission to revolutionize Iowa’s approach to education through the power of student voice.