Creativity Activity Service

What is CAS? CAS stands for Creativity, Activity, Service.  All IB students must participate in 150 CAS hours over the course of their Junior and Senior years combined.  Students must have a balance between the 3 strands (a minimum of 40 hours of each) and must also complete a CAS project, which can be in ANY of the strands (or a combination of the strands).  Students also reflect on these experiences, noting the challenges, moments of discovery and their feelings in an effort to increase a student's awareness of self.     

Creativity: exploring and extending ideas leading to an original or interpretive product or performance. 

Activity: Physical exertion contributing to a healthy lifestyle.

Service: Collaborative and reciprocal engagement with the community in response to an authentic need. 

Some guidelines for Service experiences

CAS Project: A collaborative, well-considered series of sequential CAS experiences, engaging students in one or more of the CAS strands.