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CUEGIS Concept - Paper 2 - Question C


Change - Driving forces and restraining forces creates change in a business so that they can move forward and remain competitive.

Culture - the norms of an organisation, a country, or other social grouping. Culture shapes the values, beliefs, and customs of people. (Internal and External sections of the organisation)

Ethics - the socially accepted moral principles that guide decision making, based on the collective belief of what is right and what is wrong.

Globalisation - worldwide movement toward economic, financial, trade, and communications integration

Innovation - Innovation generally refers to changing or creating more effective processes, products and ideas, and can increase the likelihood of a business succeeding.

Strategy - devising plans to achieve the long-term goals of an organisation

How to Structure a CUEGIS response? Note that it usually asks you to refer it to 1 or 2 organisations;

(IF you are going to discuss about 1 organisation only):

Introduction (briefly 1 paragraph)

  • Definition of the CUEGIS Concept

  • Definition of the strategy (if stated; e.g. Marketing)

  • Introduction to the organisation

Body (3 paragraphs)

  • #1 Point that supports your CUEGIS Concept

  • Advantages (around 2)

  • Disadvantages (around 2)

  • #2 Point that supports your CUEGIS Concept

  • Advantages (around 2)

  • Disadvantages (around 2)

  • #3 Point that supports your CUEGIS Concept

  • Advantages (around 2)

  • Disadvantages (around 2)

Conclusion (1~2 paragraphs)

  • Short Term Implications

  • Long Term Implications

  • Stakeholder Conflict

  • Stakeholder Impact

  • The cost Implications