These expectation apply to everyone who comes into this classroom, including students, teachers, substitute teachers, guest speakers, administration & other guests

Classroom Expectations

1. Respect

Respect all people, equipment, resources and rules of the classroom.  Respect the tradition of the school and use appropriate language.

Individuals from all backgrounds and belief systems will have their voices heard.  judging people or silencing voices based on group identity is not acceptable. 

2.  Be in class

I have never missed more than one school day in a semester and I expect you do be in class every day too.  If absences happen, you should dedicate about 90 minutes per period missed on catching up.  It's easier to just be here!

3. Be on time

I have over 15 years of business experience, yet only 110 hours to try to teach you everything I know.  I need to get through a lot of core-curriculum, so don’t hold me back because when I need to play catch-up and cut out material, the fun stuff is often the first to go.

4. Be prepared

Bring your books, pens, calculators and any other resources required to succeed every single day.  Be prepared to use every minute of class time effectively.  Furthermore, do not bring in extra items like backpacks or jackets.

5. Be alert

Being ready to work often starts with a good night’s sleep.  When in class, I expect your full attention demonstrated through your posture, eye contact and participation in activities.

6. Be in uniform

The school’s uniform policy must be followed every day.  This applies to the classroom, hallway, cafeteria and common areas.  Spirit wear is appropriate only on the predetermined days.

7. Be honest

Be honest in all senses of the term to yourself, your classmates and your educators.

8. Do not bring in distractions

Whether it’s electronics, food, toys, etc…. they are not inherently good items or bad items for a classroom.  There is a time and place for everything.  In fact we will use phones, food and toys as tools for certain lessons.  However there is the potential to allow items like these to be a distraction for you or your peers.  Any items that inhibit your ability to be fully engaged in the lesson are not allowed in the class.  This is all based on the context of how an item is used, and up to the teacher to interpret if it advances a lesson (a student using a smartphone to look up data, news headlines, complete an activity) or if it interferes with learning (that same smartphone playing a game, etc).  The trust you build up (or lose) over time will often dictate how I react to isolated situations.

Do not complete homework from other classes during my classroom time.  Not only is it a distraction from the content I am presenting, it indicates to me that this class is not a priority in your mind.  I will remember this at report card time.

Don’t let your conversations be an impediment to the learning environment either.  I am far more inclined to address distractions if they have a negative impact on more than just the culprit. 

9. Submit everything on time

I have never failed a student who has given a full effort.  If you submit every assignment, you will achieve at least a level 1- which is enough to pass.  If you give an honest effort but cannot understand it, I will always teach you further to help you grasp the concept.  Heck, it’s my job!

10.   Expect excellence

You’re probably WAY smarter than you give yourself credit for.  Get A’s!  Get A+’s!! 

Be part of the class discussions.  Ask insightful questions.  Take risks in the pursuit of excellence.  Surround yourself with older/wiser/smarter/richer/energetic/ethical individuals.  Build a skill set that leads you to an amazingly successful future!

Seriously fam - we are in this together and lets shock the world with all the good we can do!

Homework From Other Classes

Completing homework from other classes during business is NOT an acceptable use of our time together.  It violates multiple rules above (#1, 4, 5, 8) and diminishes a student's ability to maximize achievement in business. 

By prioritizing other courses, a student would communicate to me that their achievement in this class is not as important as other classes, and all requests for additional assistance or re-evaluation of work will be considered within this context.

Music Listening Devices

I actually ENCOURAGE students to have access to ear phones available which can be used for individual work time only.  It is not permitted to have them in your ears (even if turned off) for lessons, activities, assessments or other tasks.