School-Based Therapy

STMA has partnered with three outside agencies

Healing Moments:

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Our group strives to provide high quality mental health services in a way that honors the unique nature of each and every client, while promoting an environment of compassion and respect. Our clinic was born out of its founder's vision to provide a safe place for individuals, couples and families to create lasting and meaningful change. This vision has transformed over the last seven years into a clinic focused on the overall health and wellness of each and every one of our clients.

Northwest Family:

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We are glad you have taken the first step toward healing and hope. At Northwest Family Counseling we are committed to serving our local community by providing counseling that provides a caring and safe place to work through whatever life struggle you’re facing. We are committed to treating you with respect and dignity, offering advice and help rooted in the truths of the Bible, and remaining up-to-date on current counseling research methods and tools.

Vanda Counseling:

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At Vanda Counseling, our philosophy is simple: Similar to the Vanda orchid, we believe that human beings have the innate quality to heal themselves. The services we provide at Vanda are meant to help when problems or issues seem overwhelming and become too big to manage alone. Our experienced clinicians and collaborative approach will guide you towards healing and growth. Everyone deserves a life full of meaning, happiness and the ability to create positive connections with others.