Florida Shines


The FloridaShines website, www.floridashines.org, is the state’s student hub of innovative educational services, providing a variety of online services for students from Florida’s public high schools, colleges and universities. The site’s academic advising services make it easy for high school students to prepare for college or a career after graduation by exploring Florida’s college and university offerings (both traditional and distance learning programs), learning about financial aid and applying for admission. Dual enrolled high school students and those in accelerated education programs can even access online library resources used within Florida’s colleges and universities.

The following section highlights some of the academic advising services available through FloridaShines and outlines changes affecting counselors, students and families for the 2018-19 academic school year.

College & Career Planner

The College & Career Planner helps middle and high school students understand their options, select a graduation plan, and map out the coursework they need in high school to prepare them for postsecondary education or training appropriate for their chosen career path. It includes a four-year high school planning worksheet that can be printed and used to fulfill Florida’s high school graduation requirements. No ID or passwords are required to access the College & Career Planner, and it is easily accessible for download at https://www.floridashines.org/go-to-college/get-ready-for-college.

Florida’s College and University Profiles

This collection of profiles allows students to search and match the best Florida college or university for their interests, location preference and program selection. Students may narrow their choices by campus locations, admission criteria (e.g., SAT, ACT, GPA), majors/programs, cost, admission and financial aid deadlines, student enrollment size, and much more. To visit the profiles, go to: https://www.floridashines.org/go-to-college/explore-colleges-universities.

College Checklist

The College Checklist is a roadmap with steps and tips for high school students to transition successfully into college. The College Checklist is easily accessible for download at: https://www.floridashines.org/go-to-college/get-ready-for-college.


MyCareerShines is Florida’s comprehensive career planning system. This free, state-funded online tool uses research-based assessments that help students learn about themselves, discover options and opportunities for the future, and develop a personalized education and career plan. To get started with MyCareerShines, go to https://www.floridashines.org/find-a-career.