National Assessments

Students enrolled at Hagerty will have multiple opportunities to participate in national assessments. See below for the different tests and when they are typically administered. Click on each icon to learn more about each test. 

The Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) is given two times per school year. All grade 12 students are eligible to take it during the SAT School Day for Seniors in October. Students are registered and the test is free of charge. Students must take the test on the assigned day at HHS as there is no make up day. Please note this administration will be last time the SAT is offered as a paper-based-test.

All eligible grade 11 students are registered to take the test during the SAT School Day for Juniors in March.  Students must take the test on the assigned day at HHS as there is no make up day. This will be the first digital SAT administration.

The Practice SAT is given one time during the school year in October. All eligible students in grades 9, 10, and 11 are registered to take it free of charge. Starting this fall, this test will be administered digitally. More information will be shared as we recieve them. 

 Students must take the test on the assigned day at HHS as there will be limited make up days.

The American College Test (ACT) is administered two times (fall and spring) per year to eligible grade 11 students free of charge.

 Students must take the test on the assigned day at HHS as there is no make up day.