School Nurse

I scraped my knee at recess. The nurse is always ready to help me when I'm hurt or sick!


A school nurse is provided for all schools in NCSD #1. A nurse is available in our building five days per week.  The nurse is responsible for checking the general health of students (eyes, ears, throat, and teeth).  The nurse also works in the area of communicable diseases, accidents, and illnesses that occur at school.  Parents are welcome to seek assistance from the nurse with any health problems of their children.

Immunization Policy and State Law/ Student Medication

Please see NCSD policy on the district website.

Reporting Animal Wounds

According to City Ordinance, Sec. 6-04-170 and County Ordinance Sec. 7-P5-C:

ANY PERSON shall immediately contact and report any bite that breaks the skin from any animal (dogs; cats; bats or any other animal that can carry rabies) to the Casper Police Department (CPD) at 235-8278. This shall be done regardless of where or when it occurred, even if off school property.

Illness at School

We will call you during the school day if your child meets the criteria laid out in the NCSD Illness Protocol sheet. It will be your decision as to whether your child should walk home (if feasible) or you will come for him/her.  Please sign your child out at the office before you leave.

There are 4 main reasons to keep sick children at home: