Back to School Night, Class Size & Field Trips

Tomas is telling you he has a field trip and that his form was completed.

Back to School Night

We will hold Back-To-School night early in the school year. On this night, tables are set up with general information, and teachers will be in their classrooms to answer questions and provide information. Teachers will inform the parents of routine functions and special events for the year. They will also review the Student, Parent, Teacher, Principal Compact, their classroom procedures and curriculum, plus their qualifications. (See Title One Parent Policy) 

Class Size

Class size for different grade levels is set and cannot be raised unless the classroom teacher signs an Overage allowance.  Kindergarten through 3rd grade may have no more than 18 students per teacher.  Grades 4-5 may have no more than 26 students per teacher. 

Field Trips

Upon enrollment in NCSD a “blanket field trip” form is electronically signed for each student granting permission for field trips. Follow-up forms describing all aspects of approved field trips may be sent home near the time of the trip. If a permission form is lost or otherwise not returned to school, verbal phone permission will be secured.  If that is not possible, the child not having a signed permission form will remain at school while his/her class goes on the field trip.