How do happy people live their lives?
How do happy people live their lives?
Do we pursue or create happiness?
Do we pursue or create happiness?
Who is responsible for our happiness?
Who is responsible for our happiness?
Watch these three videos and take notes on a Google Doc of the points that pique your curiosity or questions that come to mind. On Schoology, discuss how you will set up your document, and any note-taking tips you have learned.
Participate in the inside/outside circle. Outside circle, please log into your classes' Padlet or the Schoology discussion.
After watching, taking notes, and discussing this video jot down an objective you have for this course in this Google Doc.
Click on the document on the right and make a copy. This will save it to your Google Drive so you can write your top 3 questions.
Don't know how to make a copy? Click here!