Types of Colleges

College Degree Types FAQ

What is an associate’s degree?

Associate-level programs are commonly associated with community colleges and technical schools focusing on specific vocations. These degrees require a two-year investment in time. They’re great if you’re interested in specific vocations that don’t require additional training before entering the workforce.

What exactly is a bachelor’s degree?

An undergraduate bachelor’s degree normally takes four years to complete. Enrolling in a bachelor’s degree program requires students to choose a specific study major and follow that track.

What is a master’s degree?

Master’s degree programs are postgraduate programs that allow students to specialize in a specific area of study. Normally, they take one to two years for completion. However, unlike a bachelor’s program, master’s degree programs require more effort to get in than GPAs and SAT test scores.

How difficult are doctorate degrees to obtain?

Most doctorate degree programs require applicants to already have a master’s degree but this rule isn’t universal. Other common requirements include submitting various standardized test scores and recommendation letters. Once accepted into a program, expect to spend several years working towards your degree. Part of that work includes completing either a dissertation and/or a major research project.