Scholars of the Week 2023-24

Each week, our teacher has her eyes and ears open, looking for scholarly behaviors from the C3 Surfers! One student per week is honored as the "Scholar of the Week". She says this is always a really hard choice on Fridays because so many of us show scholarly attributes and behaviors each week. When she chooses one student over others, it doesn't mean that person is the only scholar who stood out to her... and as we progress through the year, it doesn't mean the kids who have not been selected have not shown scholarliness. They just haven't gotten their turn to be honored - YET!

Week 1: August 14-18


Why this scholar was selected: Aileen has shown leadership, bravery, and dedication to our tasks this week. In group work, Aileen stood out as a clear leader - trying to sort through all of the good ideas from her peers and handling business so the task was done. When it came time to share the group's work, Aileen was the only brave group member willing to stand up and share! Furthermore, when she volunteered to explain something to the class, she did so beautifully in a way that her peers could clearly understand. She was a great choice for our very first Scholar of the Week this year!

Week 2: August 21-25


Why this scholar was selected: David was chosen as scholar this week because of his participation during class time (whole class) as well as during group and partner discussions. He's not shy about starting the conversation with partners to get the ball rolling and he's respectful, inquisitive, and caring when listening to his classmates!

Week 3: August 28-September 1


Why this scholar was selected: Justin took no time at all settling in as a new scholar at Fisler School and in our classroom! He participates, actively involves himself in group discussions, and pays keen attention to directions! He was chosen as scholar of the week for all of these reasons... but also the fact that he has taken the initiative to start a Rubik's Cube club at school during his lunch time to share his passion and expertise with Rubik's Cubes! The club will be launching soon!

Week 4: September 4-8


Why this scholar was selected: Alycia was chosen as the Scholar of the Week this week even before our Friday Family Forum, when Mrs. Mahar read aloud eight "Shout Outs" and three of them were for Alycia... for kindness and helpfulness! And, that's exactly why she was chosen as our Scholar this week! Alycia makes attempts to make others feel special, cared for, and loved. She asks meaningful questions about their lives and shares genuine concern for the well being of her teacher and peers!

Week 5: September 11-15


Why this scholar was selected: Aviella was chosen this week for her efforts during reader's workshop. Her reading and jotting volume (amount) have been awesome these first few weeks of school. It's especially amazing since she claims reading "isn't my favorite and I'd rather be doing other things." This just goes to show that even when you don't really love doing something, practice makes better and you can learn to appreciate certain aspects of it!

Week 6: September 18-23


Why this scholar was selected: Claire's positive attitude, resilience, and determination are just three of the reasons she was chosen as Scholar of the Week this week! She always puts forth her best effort, asks for help or clarification when she needs it, and perseveres even when the going gets tough!

Week 7: September 25-29


Why this scholar was selected: Tyler likes to take his time on his work and make sure that everything is perfect. In the past, when he struggled or was faced with time running out, he could allow himself to become anxious and frustrated. But, he's worked REALLY hard on this and has shown an amazing growth mindset... understanding that "perfect" is not the goal. Hard work and effort are the goals! He asks great questions, tries his best, and really cares about his work. All of these are great scholarly traits!

Week 8: October 2-6


Why this scholar was selected: As the weeks of reader's workshop continue, the expectations for students' thinking and jotting in their reader's notebooks increase. Preston has really risen to the challenge! He makes great predictions and keeps gathering evidence that supports his continued belief that's what is going to happen! He circles back and revisits previous thinking, challenging his old ideas. He also makes really good inferences and adds text evidence that supports his thinking. He tries the new strategies we learn in class and every week he's showing his improved reading abilities!

Week 9: October 9-13


Why this scholar was selected: We can't say enough scholarly things about this week's scholar! Farrah has so many wonderful traits that she exhibits on a daily basis that show her scholarliness. She takes initiative in her learning and her passion projects. She's a natural leader and shines in that role. She's witty, creative, responsible, caring, friendly, and personable. She's never met a stranger and treats all of her classmates with respect and care.

Week 10: October 16-20


Why this scholar was selected: Kaylyn puts forth 1000% effort in everything she does. This includes writing in the most beautiful printing we've ever seen! In addition, she goes above and beyond to do things like enter the PTSA Reflections Art Contest and coming up with a great display idea for our Red Ribbon Week window decorating contest! She's truly a scholar - and a wonderful artist!

Week 11: October 23-27


Why this scholar was selected: Ryan has shown awesome scholarliness in one very specific way in the past few weeks... and that's "taking suggestion seriously". In his reader's notebook, he has employed the strategies that have been suggested by the teacher and has consistently improved his reader's notebook scores in the past few weeks! Keep it up, Ryan!

Week 12: October 30 - November 3


Why this scholar was selected: Charisse is a scholar in many ways and this week she shines as a leader in participation, discussion in book clubs, and setting a good example. Charisse tries her best in all her work and is eager to learn how to make improvements. She asks good questions, leads the charge during discussion groups (keeps her groups on task, shares ideas, and respects her peers). She's a great scholar!

Week 13: November 6-10


Why this scholar was selected: Sion came to Fisler School in second grade and has worked so hard to learn English and become fluent that he finally has achieved that goal! He can read, speak, write, and listen in English  well enough to be considered "Fluent English Proficient"! In addition, Sion often shares his scholarly wit with his classmates, is humble, and really cares about doing the right thing. He asks great questions to ensure he's on the right track with projects and assignments and behaves like a scholar in class!

Week 14: November 13-17


Why this scholar was selected: Allyson is a wonderful student and a good example to her peers. She consistenly tries her best and takes feedback to heart when she receives it. She uses this feedback to improve her reading, writing, or whatever else she needs! She is also incredibly kind and helpful to others, pays attention in class, and has a warm demeanor that others find endearing.

Week 15: November 27-December 1


Why this scholar was selected: Jake was selected for his excellent attitude - even when things are challenging! He has a growth mindset and puts forth his best effort. He showed stellar growth on our district iReady assessment between the first and second trimesters, which shows he's applying the strategies he's been taught in class

Week 16: December 4-8


Why this scholar was selected: Jayden is a scholar in so many ways. Firstly, he lways has an academic and growth mindset - working to improve any little thing he can! He asks very inquisitive questions, often times ones even our teacher has to look up! (haha) He sets a good example by trying his best and always turning in quality work that is on time.

Week 17: December 11-15


Why this scholar was selected: Ian showed some serious scholarliness in reading and math on our iReady Diagnostic #2 when he topped the class charts for "growth" between the first diagnostic and the second. Now, in our class, we don't focus much on "scores", but GROWTH - we celebrate!! Ian has worked so hard this year that he was able to exceed his "annual typical growth" targets in both reading (400%) and math (250%). In addition, he already obliterated his "stretch" goals, exceeding with 175% growth there. This is really something to be proud of, Ian!

Week 18: December 18-22


Why this scholar was selected: Joshua has made so much effort to be a scholar all year. Recently (and notably), he really worked hard to "try" jotting in his reader's notebook when reading informational books - although we had not learned any formal strategies for doing this yet! In addition, he submitted a Native American website that showed great effort, a really well-written explorer report, and a letter to Mrs. Claus for his "Santa's New Suit" project that was very persuasive! Keep it up, Joshua!

Week 19: January 8-12


Why this scholar was selected: Ravenna is scholarly in many ways - and like many classmates... could have been selected "Scholar of the Week" ten times over by now. This week in particular, she is being honored for her dedication to doing things well! She is committed to ensuring that all of her work is as close to perfect as it can get and takes care to painstakingly check for errors and ways to improve! She has soared in mathematics all year and is a great role model for peers in terms of setting a goal and smashing it!

Week 20: January 15-19


Why this scholar was selected: Mayari has worked so hard this month to make small changes that have led to big results! She finished her entire math MAP for our most recent math chapter and scored very high on her posttest - a score that was a personal record this year! Mayari has showed us this week that hard work and dedication - even when something is challenging - can pay off!!!

Week 21: January 22-26


Why this scholar was selected: April is a very dedicated scholar. She puts forth 110% effort on all she does, turns in beautifully written work, and often completes projects and assignments early. She makes every attempt to clarify any confusing parts of questions on assignments or instructions to ensure she's doing things accurately! She pays attention in class, asks good questions, and thinks deeply!

Week 22: January 29-February 2


Why this scholar was selected: Hailey has many scholarly traits! Firstly, her effort in her reading and writing are always amazing! She is diligent in her studies and works hard to ensure she achieves and earns good scores on quizzes and tests! She's a gentle leader in group settings and is willing to do what it takes to get the job done!

Week 23: February 5-9


Why this scholar was selected: Andrew has been working hard towards some personal goals and has really been dedicated to making positive changes! He has shown great scholarly behavior this week by paying attention, asking scholarly questions, turning work in on time and showing integrity in his interactions with peers!

Week 24: February 12-26


Why this scholar was selected: Jacob has worked hard this week on his classwork and homework, using class time wisely and submitting assignments on time! He has also been a great leader in his dance group for our "Alice's Adventures with Idioms" play and his enthusiasm has been a great influence on his group mates!

Week 25: February 21-23


Why this scholar was selected: Dylan has been working really hard in math this chapter and he set his mind to finishing all the math MAP tasks prior to the posttest date! Not only did his scholarly effort pay off with that, but he also earned his highest posttest score so far! Great effort Dylan - and great way to show that when you set your mind to something, it is indeed possible!

Week 26: February 26-March 1


Why this scholar was selected: Olivia is featured this week for her responsibility and respect. Olivia makes good choices, listens during lessons, and does an exemplary job of turning her work in on time! She is in the "top three" for on-time assignment completion for the second trimester!

Week 27: March 4-8


Why this scholar was selected: Jamie is a quiet scholar, but she focuses and gets her work done! She is conscientious and cares about the outcome... but does not get caught up in trying to make everything so perfect that she forgets that the learning is the important part!

Week 28: March 11-15


Why this scholar was selected: Aubrey was selected as the scholar this week because of her "never give up" attitude! Even when things are hard, she plugs along (and doesn't complain), working towards completion! 

Week 29: March 25-29


Why this scholar was selected: Caleb is a really kind classmate! He always checks in with friends (and the teacher) to ask how they're doing and if somebody seems "down", he's the first one to try to cheer them up! He always has a super positive, "I can do it" attitude and doesn't let hard stuff get him down.

Week 30: April 1-5


Why this scholar was selected: Chloe is a very shy student and it's not really her thing to participate in class discussions or raise her hand to share out. However, the last couple of weeks, she has really pushed herself out of her comfort zone to do this! Additionally, she showed scholarliness by getting started right away on our big Colonial Pop-Up Book and is well on her way to producing an excellent project!

Week 31: April 8-12


Why this scholar was selected: Yireh was chosen this week because she has been putting forth good effort towards a challenging personal struggle and is making great progress! 

Week 32: April 15-19


Why this scholar was selected: Derek was chosen this week because he tried to help two classmates solve a problem by stepping in and trying to explain rationally that what was happening was not a big deal. He was trying to be a good friend to both and showed bravery by standing up.

Week 33: April 22-26



Why this scholar was selected: Both Max and Hwon have shown scholarly behavior throughout the year and it's just be chance that they are our final picks of the year! They are sharing the spotlight this week because of their efforts this year towards improving their study skills, work ethic, and effort! Way to go, boys!