Getting to know someone takes time. 

I hope that time never ends for us to learn more about each other!

Welcome to 4th Grade Mrs. Hancock

When I graduated college I was blessed with several job offers before I earned my Masters degree. I chose to accept a position in the Fullerton School District before trying to earn my Masters Degree. Each year I kept telling myself that I should go back to school but time, kids, money, etc. always got in the way for me (or at least I allowed it to get in the way). Thankfully I took the plunge in 2019 through WGU and earned my Masters Degree in Instructional Technology. The degree turned out to  be exceptionally useful when we were all placed into a new style of distance learning during the pandemic. 

I wanted to share with you these pictures because not only am I proud of my hard work, but I am proud of where I came from. We went back to the park where I grew up. Back when it was just trees and an old wooden playground. We used to build forts in the forest and bridges between the trees. Now there is a community center, amphitheater, and much more. Most of the trees are gone from my childhood but the tree you see in this picture remains to be one of our favorite climbing trees! I always thought about how much the park and I were alike, always changing but somehow remaining the same. Climbing this tree was a challenge for me when I was young and now again as I am old. LOL. 

Life is full of challenges. May you always feel rewarded for the opportunity to grow and look at life in a different lens along the way!

 A picture may be worth a thousand words but all of  these  things are priceless to me.

[My Oldest]

[River the Bernedoodle]

[Oggy the Doggy]

[My baby girl!]

[Middle Child]

[Best Husband]


[Little Rascal]