Curriculum Overview

Outdoor Learning

Year 6

Year 6 is a foundation year for all aspects of Outdoor Learning at Langham Oaks, and future progress, practical skill acquisition and self-confidence in the outdoors, both on and off-site is built around what is taught during this important period. Key concepts include all safety considerations when outside and general rules, routines and expectations. Assorted small hand tools are introduced and taking personal responsibility for clothing and footwear in all weather conditions is empathised. Most importantly teamwork, “having a go”, being part of something bigger than yourself and physical and mental resilience are driven home at every opportunity.

Year 7

In Year 7 pupils continue to work collectively on assorted campcraft skills. Several types of outdoor cooking stoves are introduced. Sourcing suitable natural tinder and kindling and different fire-lighting techniques. Making hot drinks and some simple cooking operations. Whittling skills using bushcraft knives and some basic knots and tarpaulin configurations. Hand carving simple bushcraft implements. Polish and German army tent set ups. Short off-site walks highlighting local flora and associated plant ID. Care and improvement of our natural environment, including native tree and shrub planting during the winter months. Introduction to Ordnance Survey maps of differing scales.

Year 8

During Year 8 pupils will demonstrate both growing personal self-confidence, resilience and collective team-spirit in all aspects of Outdoor Learning. Campcraft skills will now include cooking complex meals over an open fire, ID of, and processing some edible plants. Basic meteorology (weather forecasting). Kit selection during longer off-site walking expeditions. Emergency shelter-building and related survival skills including water purification, signalling and simple first aid. Further work on Ordnance Survey mapping and basic navigation, including compass operations, contours and symbol recognition. Natural cordage. An overview of local history and the settlement of Langham and its environs.

Year 9

During Year 9 pupils continue to build on skills and expertise gained in earlier years at Langham Oaks. Individual interests and attributes can be further developed and improved, and advanced skills such as Natural Navigation techniques (using the sun, flora, geology and weather to find your location) introduced. Longer walking expeditions and growing independence using map and compass will also take place.

Years 10 and 11

Langham Oaks is a Duke of Edinburgh Award School. Throughout Year 10 and 11 pupils will work on their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award. All of the practical and socio-emotional skills gained in Years 6-9 in Outdoors Learning will place them in an excellent position to successfully complete this highly regarded and recognised qualification.


Year 6, 7 and 8

Horticulture is offered as a therapeutic intervention for the lower school. Pupils are offered a safe, quiet space where they can learn basic horticultural skills, such as propagation, weed control, pest control, pruning and health and safety in the garden whilst also building trusting relationships with adults. Pupils have the opportunity to learn how to grow vegetables and flowers. They nurture them from seed to harvest and are encouraged to taste the produce. The pupils work 1:1 or in pairs. The pupil led sessions allow space to talk, play and experience nature in a safe happy environment.

Links to enterprise skills are also explored through horticulture in the lower school. Pupils begin selling plants or produce to staff as well as to the local village shop. This builds on social skills and self confidence.

Year 9

During Year 9 pupils are given the option to continue taking part in Horticulture sessions. These sessions include group work, introducing the pupils to the skills needed to complete the RHS Level 1 Introductory to Practical Horticulture qualification offered in year 10.

The sessions build on skills already learnt such as weed identification and management, pest identification and management, introduction to soil science and propagation. Pupils will be encouraged to work more independently and take ownership of the horticultural area. Links to healthy eating are formed as pupils deliver their produce to the school kitchen and can taste them as part of their home cooked school dinner.

During year 9 pupils are offered the chance to use the lawnmower or strimmer. Full risk assessments and personal protective equipment are provided and pupils are supervised throughout.

Year 10

Pupils who have opted to continue studying horticulture will now start to work through the assessment objectives for the NOCN Level 1 in Horticulture. These include a wide range of skills such as ground preparation, assisting with propagation from seed, vegetative propagation, assisting with planting and establishing plants and identification of a range of common weeds, pests, plants and diseases. Evidence for this will be captured through a photographic diary and the completion of worksheets.

Year 11

During year 11 pupils will continue working through the NOCN Level 1 in Horticulture. Pupils are expected to work independently in the horticultural area completing jobs with minimal input from staff. Photographic diaries and worksheets make up the pupils portfolio of work as they continue building on the skills they have learnt previously.

Schemes of Work

Please click on the link provided to see an example of our Schemes of Work

Qualification Information

In Outdoor Learning we have doubled our offer providing pupils with the opportunity to gain the Duke of Edinburgh bronze award as well as a level 1 qualification in horticulture.

Outdoor Learning in Action

Learning Resources

BBC Bite Size Revision

D of E with a difference

We know this is a difficult time for everyone and we hope you, your friends and family are all keeping safe and well.

But the good news is the coronavirus outbreak doesn’t mean your D of E needs to stop. In fact, it could be the perfect thing to put your energy into, focus on and work towards.

Your D of E is flexible and personal to you, which means you can change your activities and do them from home – just get your Leader’s approval and you’re good to go. - Year 10 if you need your username and password please let me know ( Roxanne Scott)