
Read our staff's reviews and editorials below

American Politics Belongs on TLC

Staff Writer - ANDREW SCHWENK - 10/7/2024

Former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris at the first presidential debate. (Image courtesy of Reuters) 

The first presidential debate between former President Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris questioned Americans on one thing: can politicians be taken seriously anymore? The immediate response to the debate didn’t focus on policy or on character, rather it focused on quippable moments such as Trump’s “they’re eating the dogs!”. However, American politics wasn’t always this satirical. In fact, many remember a day where American politicians were more decent. 

Decent Debates?

Few people can even imagine a Presidential debate that couldn’t be quipped to oblivion, but in fact, there once were Presidential debates that put policy over publicity. Back in the election of 1960, in the very first presidential debate, John F. Kennedy faced off against his republican opponent Richard Nixon in a modest and professional competition. There were even moments where both candidates complimented each other and agreed to disagree, putting the interests of the voters above their own personal gain. 

35th President John F. Kennedy and 37th President Richard Nixon at the first ever televised debate in 1960. (Image courtesy of CNN) 

Even in the wake of an increasingly polarized political climate in the 80s and 90s, candidates continued to present themselves in a polite manner. In the 1984 campaign, candidates Ronald Reagan and Walter Mondale certainly participated in political mudslinging; however, they still showed signs of respect for one another, with them even sharing a laugh or two. 

What Caused This?

There are many hypotheses on how our Presidential debates have gotten so dirty. Many have blamed the increasingly polarized political climate or the lack of decent candidates, however, what ultimately caused the souring of our debates can be blamed on the rise of the mass media industry. 

Most of our political polarization is caused indirectly by the creation of 24-hour news networks such as CNN and Fox News, who have tainted the news with their views on issues. These news outlets, plus social media outlets like Twitter, Facebook and others, have kindled the flame which has caused politics to feel more like a sporting event than a crucial part of our democracy.

Social media outlets have contributed to a more dramatic political landscape in the United States (Image courtesy of wikimedia.org) 

Social media outlets have also helped to take debates and “quip”  them out of oblivion. The limitations of how much you can actually share on social media platforms has led to Presidential debates being shortened down to several memorable moments, which has ultimately led to candidates dumbing down their debate performance themselves to be more marketable to audiences. Additionally, more dramatic and emotion evoking content is proven to work better with social media, causing candidates to over-emotionalize their performances on the campaign trail to catch as much attention as possible. 

Is this the future of Politics?

In the age of information and social media, it seems as if politics have spiraled out of control. We have candidates that act like celebrities, not as politicians, and our politics have focused more on clicks than on policy. However, it doesn't have to be this way.

We could very well return to decent politics-- even in a world that’s burdened by mass polarization. Doing simple things such as limiting your time on social media applications, participating in political activism, and doing some extra reading and research on each candidate can get rid of the unhealthy outlook we have on politics. No matter how you feel about our political landscape, being pessimistic about its situation right now won’t help it in the long run. No matter what candidate you support or what platform you subscribe to, be sure to go that extra mile: do that extra reading, participate in political activism, and most importantly, if we want to eliminate our unhealthy political climate, be optimistic. 

The Best Company Stock to Invest In

Staff Writer - LUKE CERRA - 5/18/2023

Photo Courtesy of Google Images

Stocks are a real treasure. They are a type of security that gives stockholders a share of ownership in a company. They give you, the individual, the potential opportunity to earn a return on your investment. The ways you can do this are by selling the stock for a profit, as well as if the stock price goes up. Owning any amount of a company's stocks will be beneficial to stockholders in the long run. Anyone interested in the potential of making more money should absolutely invest in stocks. 

While stocks do lead to a lot of great things for investors in the future, there are companies that are better than others for stockholders to invest in. An example of this is Apple Inc. stock. Their current price to buy one share of stock is $172.57, meaning that their stock is growing,  and it is a valuable company with proven success, which is shown by their stock number. Apple also has a lot of net cash and generates a lot of free cash flow every year, so a shareholder should feel very confident that the company will pay dividends to them. Apple is a great company to invest with. 

When you invest in a successful company's stock, you are more likely to get some form of return on your investment. Another great company stock to invest in Tesla Inc. Tesla currently has a price to buy one share of stock at $167.98, and its stock is projected to grow over the next several years. By the year 2030, Tesla could be worth over $1.5 trillion dollars. Tesla, as of now, has a market capitalization number of $526.36 billion, showing that they have many shares to offer and that people are willing to buy them. Tesla stock is definitely worth investing in based on what it is now and what it is projected to be in the future. 

Stockholders have to make the right decision when it comes to investing in company stock. Things like price-earnings ratio, market capitalization number, yearly stock growth, are all indicators of whether they should invest or hold off. The possibility of earning an investment on a stock if it does well is something that can't be taken for granted. Buying stocks in major companies could see big earnings for you in the future. 

College is Not the Only Option

Staff Writer - CHARLOTTE RISMILLER - 5/09/2023

Photo Courtesy of Creative Commons

I recently heard a story about a boy at his high school graduation party. Many people asked him where he was going to college and he said that he was taking a year off. After hearing the same question over and over again and seeing the people’s faces distorted into shock and a little disapproval, the boy felt very discouraged. He felt like an outcast and not like all of his other friends who were going to college, since in this day and age, society is pushing many students to take the college route. While there are many benefits with this higher education, college is not the only option and we should normalize other options. 

A recent study estimated that 65% of all jobs will require more than a high school degree in the coming years. College is becoming much more popular than in years past, opening doors to all genders, races, and locations. However these doors are becoming increasingly more crowded and competitive between students, forcing colleges to behave more like businesses, screening their students by making them go through a lengthy application process. Colleges are trying to attract more students by compelling perks, class rankings, luxurious amenities, and much more. 

This changing attitude in society has resulted with many students stressing over making a perfect resume to send to colleges in hopes that they might have a chance to get into their dream school. Common statements are made like “I only slept 4 hours tonight” or “I didn’t eat anything today because I was so busy”. Everyone appears to be balancing a crazy schedule and getting good grades so you ask yourself why can’t I do the same? Students are  constantly suffering from self-criticism they place on themselves, creating unrealistic high expectations for themselves that they can never seem to reach, dreading each day more and more, ultimately burning out and not enjoying themselves at all. By the time they graduate college, they are left with lots of student debt and in some cases a degree that they find out is useless for their career. 

The main takeaway is that one’s future is not a one-size-fits-all model. College is a great option for some people, but others need another route and that is completely ok. A better question people should be asking is not where are you going to college, but rather if you have any fun plans in the future. The future is exciting and something that shouldn’t be stressed out about.

Rivas, Gabby. “College Students Are Overwhelmed with the Pressure to Be Exceptional.” The Michigan Daily, 13 Jan. 2022, https://www.michigandaily.com/opinion/the-pressure-to-be-that-person. 

At this Rate America is Going to Start Looking like a Scene from Wall-E

Staff Writer - CHARLOTTE RISMILLER - 4/21/2023

Photo Courtesy of Google Images

Many people now realize that the recycling truck is the same as the trash truck and many counties now aren’t requiring their residents to sort their recycles. While many people blow this off and think that it is less work for them and more efficient and cheaper for the trash workers, others may question whether their recyclables are actually being recycled. The American system of recycling is a broken and messy problem. While its motives are good, Americans aren’t recycling properly or creating a smart system that actually outweighs the benefits of just throwing away the recyclables anyway. 

In the 1990s, America began realizing that many of their recyclables could not be recycled, so they jumped on the opportunity to offshore their most contaminated and least valuable “recyclables” to China, which at the time, was in desperate need of raw materials. Most of these bales of plastic were also worthless to China and ended up polluting shantytowns full of mom-and-pop recycling businesses that lined the edges of China's big port cities. America didn’t care; they were just happy to regift their plastic trash to someone else. America’s motivation to sort and clean recyclables quickly diminished since what is the point of expensive technology and labor if China will just pay for our recycles?

Not only was America getting lazy about recycling, Americans were also producing more plastic waste. In 1980, Americans generated 60 pounds of plastic waste per person; by 2018, that number grew to 218 pounds —a 263% total increase. This became an issue once China banned imports of dirty foreign garbage in 2018 that mass amounts of poor-quality recyclables began piling up at US ports and warehouses. This lack of preparation following China’s import ban created chaos and desperation in America. 

Some recyclers turned to other countries to take their recyclables and while Vietnam and Malaysia did for a while, they too also became overwhelmed with this useless waste. Not to mention they were not paying as much money as China for the recyclables, so cities and towns in America started hiking trash-collection fees. 

"What this crisis is really about," says Vinod Singh, outreach manager for Far West Recycling in Portland, Oregon, "is shifting from the artificial situation China created, in which recycling more than paid for itself as a commodity, to the new reality of recycling as a cost." America spent more money trying to get rid of their recyclables, than to actually fix the system built around them. 

Allas, not all hope is lost. America has the opportunity now to invest in infrastructure that will produce good, clean material that is actually recyclable. Nevertheless, recycling is supposed to be the last resort after reuse and this is being put into effect by the Berkeley Ecology Center which is charging 25 cents on all disposable cups sold in the city, suggesting that reusable ceramic cups are a better option. Also, disposable utensils, straws, and napkins at restaurants and cafes will only be offered by request and takeout food must come in compostable materials compared to styrofoam. This is just one example of how Americans can reuse more and contribute less waste. 

New York, California, Indiana, Massachusetts, Maine, and Oregon are also getting behind this idea of no waste— and have started drafting bills that compel manufacturers, not consumers, to pay for the end-waste their products produce. Consumers want to recycle, but need more guidelines as to what they can recycle and manufacturers need to stop producing plastic products that are not recyclable. It is a hard problem to fix that will definitely cost businesses a lot. The processing and creation of saleable recycled goods will have to be sold at a higher price than what they cost to make since cleaning the goods to be recycled costs. It is easier for companies to make cheaper goods and not recycle than to be less profitable and recycle. However, I believe in the long term America will spend less money fixing its system than trying to pay lots of money just to get rid of this problem. 

Duong, Tiffany. “The Recycling Industry in America Is Broken.” EcoWatch, 30 Nov. 2022, https://www.ecowatch.com/us-recycling-industry-2652630035.html. 

Kummer, Frank. “Only about 5% of Plastic Waste Gets Recycled in the US, New Report Says.” Phys.org, Phys.org, 5 May 2022, https://phys.org/news/2022-05-plastic-recycled.html#:~:text=Only%205%25%20to%206%25%20of,creating%20awareness%20around%20plastic%20pollution. 

Edward Humes is a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and author of 15 nonfiction books, including his latest. “The US Recycling System Is Garbage.” Sierra Club, 26 June 2019, https://www.sierraclub.org/sierra/2019-4-july-august/feature/us-recycling-system-garbage. 

Land of the Free, Home of the Closed-Minded

Staff Writer - CHARLOTTE RISMILLER - 4/12/2023

Photo Courtesy of the Daily Beast

My exchange student taught me more than just her culture and way of life, but rather she opened my eyes to look back upon my own culture and country. I see things now that I have overlooked in the past and now appreciate more. After seeing her eyes light up at the ice cream aisle in the grocery store, I realize that my little area of the world isn’t as boring and mediocre as I thought. I also saw some things that I am not proud about in our country. The biggest one is that Americans know so little about other cultures and languages, while most of the world has a pretty good idea about ours.

Americans have this false perception that once you have passed high school and college, it is too hard and time consuming to learn a language. Some say that they seem forced to learn a foreign language and that the fun is sucked away. Many people use the common excuse by saying, “What is the point? The majority of the world speaks English, so why do I have to learn their language?” These statements are all false and in fact, 75% of the world does not speak English. This ignorant attitude is why many Americans can’t speak another language. It is time to create a new normal with people believing it is 100% possible to speak two different languages, and is a critical link to being more successful in one’s career and competing economically and diplomatically with other countries. 

Some may argue that Americans don’t really have a grasp on other languages because it is not prioritized as much in schools and taught too late. The reason why they don’t learn languages is the underlying issue. This lack of learning different languages is coupled with a lack of knowledge regarding other countries’ cultures and way of life. National Geographic surveyed recent college graduates in a series of 75 different questions about global politics and geography, concluding that the total percent of correct responses was just over 55%. And yet, 86% of these students considered themselves at or above average in knowledge regarding global affairs. 

In this day and age, it is not enough for students just to know about American politics, but also to know basic information about other countries too. European students have a good level of political literacy for their own country, other European countries, and major countries such as the U.S. Atlas, all hope is not lost. There are many simple things that Americans can do to help reduce their ignorance towards the rest of the world. 

The first thing Americans should do is recognize that they have a limited first-hand knowledge of other countries. Studying a foreign language is great because it incorporates and conveys the values and perspectives of the speaker, but there are other alternatives. This could be traveling to other countries or even just in one’s own country, experiencing new cuisines, historical sites, and meeting new people. Americans should also look at new news sources, foreign films, foreign music, and literature. The world is too big to just stay in our tiny little circle. It is time for Americans to branch out and fully experience what the world has to offer. 

Gibbons, Cait. “Americans Need to Learn More About the World Outside America.” The Badger Herald, 20 Nov. 2018, https://badgerherald.com/opinion/2018/11/19/americans-need-to-learn-more-about-world-outside-america/. 

OptiLingo. “Why Isn't Bilingualism More Popular in America?” OptiLingo, 5 May 2022, https://www.optilingo.com/blog/general/why-does-us-have-fewer-bilinguals/. 

Wbur. “Why There's a Language Learning Gap in the United States.” Here & Now, WBUR, 17 July 2018, https://www.wbur.org/hereandnow/2018/07/16/foreign-language-gap-united-states. 

“Researcher Says Americans Are ‘Deluded’ Regarding What They Know about the Rest of the World.” University at Buffalo, 14 Sept. 2004, https://www.buffalo.edu/news/releases/2004/09/6899.html. 

One Reason the Top New Year's Resolution in America is "Lose Weight"

Staff Writer - CHARLOTTE RISMILLER - 2/14/2023

Photo Courtesy of Creative Commons

Imagine you are at the grocery store stocking up on food for your family this week. You start in the breakfast aisle where you grab some Pop Tarts and your brother’s favorite cereal, Lucky Charms. Then you go to the snack aisle where the Doritos, Ritz crackers, Wheat thins, and the classic Little Debbie Swiss Rolls grab your attention. Next you go get some chicken and farm-raised salmon for dinner. To finish it off, you pass the dairy products where you grab a gallon of milk and a box of Drumstick ice cream. 

Besides the fact that your bill will probably be around $100 dollars due to inflation, much to your surprise all of those American produced products are banned in other countries, and they have good reason to be. While many people are looking at different diet options for their New Year’s Resolutions to lose weight, maybe the root cause of this issue is that Americans don’t know what harmful things are putting into their bodies, hidden under the bright packages, right into our expanding waistlines. 

All of these foods have different ingredients in them that are banned in different countries, but the overarching theme is added preservatives and hormones. Farm raised salmon are kept in crowded cages and fed processed fish food as well as dangerous chemicals like mercury. Cows are given a growth hormone most commonly known as rBST to increase milk production, containing elevated levels of insulin leading to an increase in certain cancers. Many perishable snacks like Little Debbie’s contain harmful food dyes that are possibly carcinogenic and affect children’s attention spans. Cereals have BHT, a lab-made flavor enhancer that has carcinogenic properties. And probably the grossest one yet, Drumsticks, containing carrageenan, a seaweed-derived thickening agent used to extend the shelf life of consumer products that have inflammation.

Food companies are putting these things in our foods to make them last longer, increase their profits, look more appealing to the consumer’s eye, and ultimately make the public addicted to its product. American chicken is banned in other countries not by what is put in it, but by how it is being packaged. Chicken packaged in the U.S is routinely washed in chlorine to compensate for insufficient hygiene standards before the packaging process. That is the main takeaway with much of our food in America. The standards have been lowered all around from its producers, to manufacturers, and even our lawmakers with making the food standards. 

The food system in America is corrupt with businesses out to get consumers’ money, but not caring about their overall health. Healthy food is more expensive and many families are forced to turn to the less healthier options. It is understandable that not all families eat only organic foods or live a completely vegan lifestyle, or even our country not making stricter standards, but at least the public must know what is in their foods and the risks along with consuming them. Other countries once again have a one up on America, leaving us behind and having the greatest obesity rates in the world. 

“Favorite American Foods That Are Banned in Other Countries.” MediaFeed, About the Author / Alex Andonovska, 1 Sep. 2022, https://mediafeed.org/banned-american-foods/. 

Hare, Holly Van. “Food Additives and Other US Ingredients Banned in Other Countries.” The Daily Meal, The Daily Meal, 1 July 2020, https://www.thedailymeal.com/travel/american-foods-banned-other-countries. 

The Different View Regarding Christmas

Staff Writer - LUKE CERRA - 12/20/2022 

The holiday of Christmas. It takes place every calendar year on December 25. It is a holiday where families are with one another and gifts are exchanged. It is a time for giving and being grateful for each other. From the holiday cheer, Christmas music, Christmas lights, gingerbread houses, there are endless ways that we are reminded of just how special Christmas is. Christmas is a time to forget about all your other life obligations for one day and celebrate this great holiday with those closest to you. Christmas really is the most wonderful time of the year. 

When it comes to Christmas, there are many different opinions to go around, both popular and unpopular opinions. Some of the more popular opinions out there about Christmas include: 

“Christmas is the best holiday by far.”

“A white Christmas would make it a truly special Christmas.” 

“Presents should be opened all at once on Christmas Day.” 

“Christmas decorations should not go up until after the Thanksgiving holiday.” 

“Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer is the best Christmas song right now.” 

“Die Hard is absolutely a Christmas movie.” 

“Christmas Vacation is the best Christmas movie.” 

“There’s nothing quite like being able to make gingerbread houses on Christmas.” 

While there are a lot of popular opinions regarding Christmas, there are also opinions about Christmas that are not very popular. Unpopular Christmas opinions include:

“Ugly Christmas sweaters need to go away.” 

“The movie Elf is overrated.” 

“Gold decorations are superior to white decorations.” 

“Too many gifts get exchanged on Christmas.”

Whether the opinions about Christmas are popular or unpopular, there will always be different opinions about Christmas.

When is it Time for Christmas?

Staff Writer - NEEMA KAMAU - 11/18/2022 

Photo Courtesy of Creative Commons

Christmas is undeniably the most popular holiday of the year. It’s the season of gift-giving, watching seasonal comedy movies with family and friends, and spending time with the ones you love. As we all know, Christmas is on the 25th of December. Then why do we get in the Christmas spirit way before it? Why does it seem to be getting earlier? Christmas is in December and should stay there. 

Businesses boom financially when the holidays hit. Their goal is to sell to as many consumers as possible and make a healthy profit. That is tied to the reason Christmas is advertised so early. Many people want to get the best holiday deals before products aren't as cheap. After the pandemic, retailers wanted to boost sales of products to relieve their suffering businesses. People spend the most money during Christmas, making this holiday an easier target. It was prolonged to stimulate better sales.

The effects of “early Christmas” are seen in erasing holidays like Thanksgiving and Halloween. Christmas decorations are put out in stores early in the spooky month. Christmas music can be heard through the aisles of select stores, psychologically getting people to think about their Christmas shopping quite early.  Hearing Mariah Carey’s famous “All I Want for Christmas is You” on the 1st of November does not mean you bring out your Christmas playlists, so keep them away for a little while longer. Though there isn’t much to Thanksgiving other than getting together, eating, and being thankful, these three holidays should stay within their given month.

Christmas time should start when we start to get close to Thanksgiving—not at the beginning of October. Many people believe Christmas begins after Halloween. Personally, I think it starts after Thanksgiving. We live in a post-pandemic world where things have mostly returned to normal.

The Glorification of True Crime

Editor - JILLIAN GAPPA - 10/27/2022 

Photo Courtesy of Creative Commons

Most know about the infamous serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer, who was responsible for the death of seventeen men and boys between 1978 and 1991. There have been multiple documentaries and series that have been made on him, including the most recent one titled, Dahmer - Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story. This series has stirred a lot of controversy, with the victims' families saying that it retraumatized them and brought up awful memories. In addition, it has also caused a discussion about the true crime genre and whether or not it’s disrespectful. 

True crime involves telling real stories about crimes that actually happened. Today, most people consume true crime in many different ways. Some may put on a podcast on Apple Music or Spotify while others may get sucked into the true crime blackhole of YouTube. These aren’t the only ways in which true crime is consumed, since Netflix and other streaming platforms are especially popular for true crime shows/films. 

In my personal opinion, true crime can be disrespectful, but there are multiple factors that can make it informative or borderline exploitative. For example, the victims' families of Jeffrey Dahmer were not even notified that a new show was being created about him, thus bringing up traumatic memories. If the creators of the show wanted to bring awareness to such horrible crimes, the least they could’ve done was contact the people who would’ve been directly hurt. 

Another example would be how content is presented. Some true crime YouTubers do makeup tutorials while talking about the gruesome details of a crime. Evidently this is incredibly disrespectful to the victims. Some true crime is respectful, such as documentaries where the victims' families talk about what they experienced. It also seems respectful when the person talking about the crime(s) did proper research and presents it in a serious way. 

True crime can be disrespectful, but it depends on how the person that created the content presents it. If it’s presented in a way that’s serious, then it can be respectful.  

The Shining Review: A Window to Insanity

Staff Writer - LUKE ZAWILLA - 10/25/2022 

The Shining Photo Courtesy of Creative Commons

Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining is one of the most well-known and highly praised horror movies of all time. Since its original release in 1980, The Shining has grossed over $45 million dollars worldwide. 

Based on the novel by Stephen King, The Shining follows Jack Torrence (Jack Nicholson) as he watches over the prestigious Overlook Hotel for the winter. At first Jack believes that a few months alone with his wife Wendy and son Danny won’t be too bad, but as the monotony of isolation sets in, Jack begins to lose his mind. Danny on the other hand suffers from a power he has called “shining”, which gives him the power to read minds and see the past and future. Ghosts and past happenings of the hotel begin to torture Danny, slowly turning him into a husk of his former self. With Jack becoming increasingly hostile and Danny being overcome by his powers, Wendy realizes she must protect herself and her son from the psychological and physical terrors of the Overlook.

As the plot progresses, the movie takes on a more disturbing and desperate mood. Wendy finds herself face to face with many horrors, and so do viewers. The frightening scenes and suspenseful pace of this movie keeps anybody watching on the edge of their seats. Much of this suspense comes from the incredible acting and rich plot, which really drive the movie. The twisting and turning events of The Shining make it an ominous thrill ride which keeps going up until the exciting—yet somewhat disturbing—ending. 

Overall, The Shining is a spectacle of mysterious storytelling. Much like Kubrick’s other movies, the writing and cinematography of the film can be bizarre at times, which may discourage someone from viewing it. Instead of confusing viewers though, the unique cinematography simply adds to the psychologically disturbing themes of the movie. Everyone can find something to love about this movie; that is, if they don’t get too scared. 

What's Going on with The Current Pennsylvania Governor Election?

Staff Writer - MALENA SCHNEIDER - 10/17/2022 

Campaign Signs for Josh Shapiro and Doug Mastriano on 37th St, Reading PA 19606.; taken by Malena Schneider

The Pennsylvania Governor election is in full swing. At times like these, it is easy to be swayed by misinformation. Conflicting campaign ads on TV and social media may leave you confused and frustrated. Because of our collective confusion, many high school students disregard politics completely. Although most of us can't vote, that is no reason to be uneducated. This election season we are staying educated and informed! 

Running for the Republican party is Doug Mastriano. Mastriano is a retired Army colonel from Franklin County who spent the majority of his career in the military, joining Senate in 2019. Mastriano gained prominence in the senate during the months immediately after the COVID 19 Outbreak in 2020. He was at the U.S. Capitol during the insurrection on Jan. 6, 2021, and has been subpoenaed by the congressional committee investigating the attacks. Mastriano is known for his  “far right” conservative views, and is an advocate of fundamentalist Christian Nationalism, reduction of funding for parks recreation, and education, Q-Anon, bans on abortion, gun regulation, illegal immigration, and  critical race theory education. Mastriano’s running mate is state Rep. Carrie Lewis Del Rosso (R., Allegheny).

Josh Shapiro is the Democratic Candidate running for Governor of Pennsylvania. Currently serving as Pennsylvania’s attorney general, Shapiro has spent most of his professional career in government or public office. Shapiro got his start in Washington, DC in the early 1990s. In 2004, he was elected to Pennsylvania’s House of Representatives, where he served four terms. Key issues in Shapiro’s career have been the investigation of the role of pharmaceutical manufacturers and distributors in the nation’s opioid crisis, prosecution of natural gas companies, and the prosecution of sexual offenders in the Roman Catholic Church. Shapiro is also a promoter of funding for public schools, gun regulations, LGBTQ rights, reducing the state’s corporate net income tax, and reducing Pennsylvania’s environmental footprint. His running mate is state Rep. Austin Davis (D., Allegheny).

Both Candidates support the raising of the Pennsylvania Minimum wage to at least $9.50/hour. Running for the Green, Libertarian, and Keystone Parties are Christina DiGiulio, Matt Hackenburg, and Joe Soloski, respectively.

October 24, 2022 is the last day to register before the November election. The Election will be taking place on November 8, 2022. This election season spread your knowledge, shut down misinformation, and inform your friends and family about topics important to you!

The Batman Review

Staff Writer - CHARLOTTE DOLENA - 4/28/2022

Photo Courtesy of Creative Commons

Mark Reeves’ The Batman has reached more than $300 million in the United States and more than $700 million worldwide. All of which is well deserved.

The Batman stars Robert Pattinson, well known for his role as Edward Cullen in the Twilight series. This movie shows Pattinson in a very different light, although both characters have some similar attributes. The Twilight series has faced much criticism over the years, but Pattinson shows that he is much more than just a pretty face through his exceptional portrayal of Bruce Wayne that earned him the ACCEC Favorite Movie Actor award. Batman is more sullen or gloomy in this movie, rather than being glamorous and elaborately wealthy as he is often depicted. 

Starring alongside Pattinson is Zoë Kravitz, who played Selina Kyle, also known as Catwoman. Kravitz is known for her roles in X-Men: First Class and the Divergent series. The new and upcoming star of this movie is Paul Dano, who portrays The Riddler and was somewhat unheard of to many before his appearance in The Batman. He was involved in Little Miss Sunshine and There Will be Blood, among many other films. Dano brings a comedic eeriness to this already-dark picture. 

The Batman is definitely an intense and dark movie, both visually and topic-wise, that viewers have to be in the right mood to watch. However, this almost three hour long motion picture has something for everyone, with action, mystery, drama, and even some romance. 

The Top Christmas Movies to See (and Avoid)

Staff Writer - RACHELLE TOALDO - 12/22/21

Photo Courtesy of Creative Commons

Have you been searching for some fresh movies to binge this holiday season or maybe a classic that you're not sure about? Maybe you want some input as to which movies to avoid? Here are the top new releases from 2021 and the top classics that you may want to try out this year (as well as the top worst rated Christmas movies). 

The top 3 classics of all time:

Home Alone- 

It probably doesn't come as a surprise for most that Home Alone was voted the most popular Christmas movie of all time by 24% of people in a survey of 2000 people. In an article by James Clayton he claims that “Home Alone is indeed the Best Christmas Movie of All Time because it covers all the season-specific bases, is replete with jingle bell spirit and effectively embodies the Four Fundamental Principles of Christmas. Those principles are: ‘Excess’, ‘Iconography’, ‘Generosity’ and ‘Family’.”

Home Alone has a rating of 4.8/5 stars by its audience and is actually a series of six movies, the first coming out in 1990 and the newest in 2021. It is rated PG and the movies average about an hour and a half long. 

The movie is about a couple who tries to steal an heirloom from a troublesome kid when he is home alone, but he continues to set up traps keeping the robbers on their toes at all times. 


The second most favored Christmas movie among the common public is Elf according to 22% of people from the same survey. Many people think it's the best while there are many who think the movie is dramatically overrated. In an article by Amanda Steele she explains some reasons why some people love and some people hate the movie. One reason people like Elf  is because some of the sayings are very quotable in the sense that sayings stick with you after watching. People also like all of the Christmas themes that the movie promotes as well as the classic cheesy scenes. Some people don’t like the movie because of some stereotypes that surround Buddy and some humor isn’t all that funny. 

Elf has a rating of 4.6/5 stars and came out in 2003. It is rated PG for some rude humor and bad language but is overall said to be a very family friendly movie. It should be noted that the movie has been said to ruin children's views of Santa Claus. 

Elf  is about a boy who was transported to the North Pole as a child and raised as an Elf. He doesn't feel like he fits in so he takes a trip to New York City and has some eventful adventures along the way. 

The Grinch

The third most liked Christmas movie is How The Grinch Stole Christmas according to 18% of people. The movie is based on the book by Dr. Suess in 1957. There are three movies based on the book and the 2000 live action version starring Jim Carrey is the most favored. The first was a very short retelling of the book in 1966, and the most recent is from 2018, both of which are animated. The main focus of these three is going to be the version starring Jim Carrey because it's the most popular and well known. 

Many people like this version of the movie because the classic character of the Grinch is brought to life by Jim Carrey. People also love the movie because of its heartwarming ending and valuable lessons learned throughout. 

How The Grinch Stole Christmas has about a 4 out of 5 star rating and came out in the year 2000. It is rated PG for some rude humor and language. 

In the movie, The Grinch is a green, grouchy character who focuses all of his plans on ruining Christmas for the cheery citizens of Whoville. He and his dog Max plan to come into the town to steal anything Christmas related but a wrench is thrown in his plans. 

The Top  New Releases You Might Want to Look Into This Season: 

Are you tired of the same old Christmas movies and are looking for something fresh to watch? Well you're in luck because there are plenty of new holiday movies to go around this year. 


A Castle For Christmas-

This movie is said to capture the warm, fuzzy feeling most of us try to find in any good Christmas movie as you join Sophie on her quest to own a castle in Scotland. 

8-Bit Christmas-

Set in the 80s,  a 10-year-old boy goes on an adventure to find the perfect Christmas gift of the year: a new video game system. 

A Boy Called Christmas-

Based on the book, this movie captures the childhood of a boy named Nikolas who becomes Santa Clause. 

The Worst Rated Movies of the Season:

Have you ever wondered which movies people are most tired of seeing every season? Lets see if they are what you expected them to be:

According to a survey conducted by The Irish Post, 21% of people are most tired of seeing The Muppet Christmas Carol, 13% are annoyed with Scrooged, 12% say The Nightmare Before Christmas, 12% went with Jack Frost, and finally 10% say Holiday. 

Hopefully now you have gotten an idea of some movies to revisit this season, which to explore for the first time, and which to avoid and not waste time watching. Merry Christmas!

Works Cited

Beck, Lia. “The Best New 2021 Christmas Movies to Keep You Cozy All Season Long.” Cosmopolitan, Cosmopolitan, 15 Dec. 2021, www.cosmopolitan.com/entertainment/movies/a37465565/new-christmas-movies-2021/.

Clayton, James. “Is Home Alone The Best Christmas Movie of All Time?” Den of Geek, 16 Nov. 2019, www.denofgeek.com/movies/is-home-alone-the-best-christmas-movie-of-all-time/.

Janes, DeAnna. “The 16 Best New Christmas Movies of 2021.” Harper's BAZAAR, Harper's BAZAAR, 1 Dec. 2021, www.harpersbazaar.com/culture/film-tv/g38378057/the-16-best-new-christmas-movies-of-2021/.

Minnicks, Margaret. “5 Reasons 'How The Grinch Stole Christmas' Is The Best Holiday Movie.” Blasting News, 17 Dec. 2017, us.blastingnews.com/showbiz-tv/2017/12/5-reasons-how-the-grinch-stole-christmas-is-the-best-holiday-movie-002236211.html.

Post, Irish. “The 10 Most Popular Christmas Movies of All Time as Voted for by the Public (and the 5 Least Popular).” The Irish Post, The Irish Post, 9 Dec. 2021, www.irishpost.com/news/10-most-popular-christmas-movies-2021-new-years-162804.

Steele, Amanda, and Amanda Steele

                                        (1101 Articles Published)



         Amanda is a freelance writer and entertainment journalist.


     More From Amanda Steele. “Elf: 5 Reasons It's The Best Christmas Movie (& 5 Reasons Buddy Would Be Disappointed In It).” ScreenRant, 19 Nov. 2019, screenrant.com/elf-best-christmas-movie-buddy/.

The Best Christmas Cookie (with Recipe)

Staff Writer - NANCY DOTTERRER - 12/22/21

Photo Courtesy of Creative Commons

We all know and love that feeling of baking Christmas cookies with loved ones and friends. The smell that fills the house as they heat up in the oven. The audio you hear from the Christmas movie you have playing in the background. Then when they’re all done, you get to bite into that freshly baked cookie. It is overall a wonderful experience. 

When it comes to Christmas cookies, you may be asking yourself “What kind of cookie should I make”? Well, I’m here to tell you that you should make peanut butter blossom cookies. Peanut butter blossom cookies are wonderful and have an amazing flavor palette. They have just the right amount of peanut butter flavoring,; they aren’t too peanut buttery, but they definitely do have a good amount of peanut butter flavor. They also have a nice chocolate flavor with the Hershey kiss on the top. When these cookies come out of the oven they are the gooiest, most amazing cookie ever. Eating one feels like heaven. Another great thing about these cookies is that whether you make them from scratch or you buy a mix from the local grocery store, they are very easy to make. 

Overall these cookies are the most delicious Christmas cookies. I hope you will be enjoying them this Christmas and for many more Christmases to come. 

Here's the recipe 



You're Going Places

Clubs Editor - ANYA WHITMAN - 05/24/21

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As graduation approaches for our seniors here at Exeter, we send them off into their futures knowing that they will go far in life. But what if not everyone has it all figured out yet? Or what if you have decided, but change your mind? Deciding things like where to go to college, what to major in, and what career to pursue are big decisions, and it can be hard to know exactly “where” you’re going when people say “you’re going places, kid.” 

The truth is, while it can be stressful, not knowing your life path is OK! There are endless opportunities beyond high school, and there is going to be plenty of time to explore your options and find what you are passionate about. To help make it easier, try analyzing your strengths and your interests. What feels rewarding for you? What makes you excited? If right now your answer is a meal at Chipotle and the next season of Outer Banks being released, you’re probably not alone. But trust me, you will eventually find your calling. 

If you’re afraid you won’t find your calling, remember that you can succeed in anything, as long as you have the drive to continue and work at it. No, it won’t always be easy, and no, the answers to your life’s questions won’t always smack you in the forehead, but with a little perseverance and determination, the world is your oyster. Go out there and seize it!

Figuring life out is tough. It’s forced upon us at a young age to be able to just pick something to do, and do for the rest of our lives! Talk about pressure. But while making decisions can be overwhelming, always remember that you are in control of what your life will be and have the power to make your own path. 

Seniors, congrats on graduating, you’re all going big places! 

From a Senior's Perspective 

Staff Writer - MADISON MONROE - 03/15/2021

Photo Courtesy of Creative Commons

In the beginning of the pandemic when COVID-19 began to reach the United States, schools were forced to close until further notice. Everyone was affected; from university students, to preschoolers, people in nursing homes and workers were put at risk. Everyone’s plans had to be canceled for safety reasons.

Schools started online. The websites Zoom, Google Meet and more are used for online learning. To get into a deeper perspective on how students handled the beginning of quarantine and online learning, a prior Junior student was interviewed.

Taylor Stech was asked questions about her experience during the beginning of the pandemic until now. “What were some difficult things you faced during the pandemic and having to do online school?” Taylor Stech replied with, “It was difficult having to spend time away from my friends. I was not expecting to be away from them for months at a time. Online school has made me miss some things about going into school, such as having lunch with my friends and going to events like football games and mini-THON. I also have some classes that are more lab-oriented that I wish I could have been in-person for.” 

When COVID-19 first made its way to the United States, everyone was expected to be quarantined for about two weeks, but it soon turned into months. Plans for students and adults were ruined, “If COVID-19 didn’t exist what were some plans you would have had?” 

I was planning on going to prom last year, but hopefully we can have some type of prom this year. My friends and I were planning on spending a lot of time together since this is our last year together, but our chances to safely see each other have been very limited.” Juniors and Seniors both were supposed to have their prom but morosely, it was cancelled.

Being stuck inside for months and months on end eventually gets dull. You can’t go out and see others, people begin to stay inside and no events happen unless you keep up with the News. “What are some things you did during quarantine for entertainment?” Everyone handles their boredom differently, some people watch movies, some play games, etc. Taylor Stech’s response was, “I Zoomed with my friends a lot to stay in touch with them. I also took my dogs on walks every day and spent a lot of time outside by the pool when it was warm out.

What was your reaction to online school, were you against it or for it? Why?” People are against online school and believe that students should stay inside of school, but many people also believe that online education is the safest option. “I was not against online school at all. It is the safest option, even though it was a difficult adjustment. It was very different from in-person instruction, but I felt much safer learning from home.” Taylor Stech, says.

Everyone from children to adults have their own opinion on learning from home. Everyone has their own point of view. To some it might be the safest option, to others it might seem pointless. Either way everyone has their own opinion on online learning.

Should Schools Monitor Social Media? 

Senior Editor - CLAIRE SAMOLEWICZ - 02/09/2021 

Photo Courtesy of Creative Commons

A battle over the First Amendment has been brewing in Schuylkill County and now the case is about to be heard by the United States Supreme Court. The incident began in 2017 when a sophomore student at Mahanoy Area High School wasn’t chosen to be on the varsity cheerleading team. In a moment of bitterness, the student posted a vulgar message on Snapchat against the high school and its cheerleading program. At the time of the incident, the student was a minor. As a result of her actions, the district kicked the student off the junior varsity cheerleading squad. The student and her family sued the school district in response. Last year, a federal court ruled in the family’s favor, stating that the district violated the student’s first amendment rights. The school district appealed that ruling, sending the Schuylkill County case to the supreme court in April 2021.

The student’s attorney, Sara Rose, believes that her defendant’s First Amendment rights were violated by the school district. Rose describes the student’s post as a harmless expression of frustration as the post centered around her anger over not making the varsity cheerleading squad. However, the school district argues that the line dividing on and off campus speech is blurry in the age of social media. Rose asserts that regulating a student's ability to freely communicate with peers in the only way available would do great harm. 

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The Supreme Court announced it would hear the case after the school district appealed to the lower court’s decision. The district claims the Third Court ruling was unclear whether schools can regulate racist, vulgar, or sexually harassing speech that occurs online and off-campus. Rose has made it clear that the speech involved in this case is very different from the aforementioned forms of hate speech. Rose also has stated that she does not believe that schools have no ability to discipline students or take some sort of action when there is hate speech presenting a real threat to the school community, however when referring to speech that simply expresses an opinion or frustration, such as the speech in this specific case, then the school district has no authority to punish that student. 

Even though the First Amendment protects United States citizens right to free speech, free speech only goes as far as your fist. In the coming months, there is a possibility that school districts will begin to place heavier restrictions in the coming months over what you can and cannot say on social media as a minor. What you post online lasts forever, so always remember to take caution with your actions. 

Debates of 2020: Hot or Not? 

Staff Writer - Victoria Young - 11/8/2020

Photo Courtesy of Creative Commons

The first presidential debate occurred September 29, 2020, between President Donald J. Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden. Moderated by Fox News’ Chris Wallace, the debate covered a variety of topics including: COVID-19, the U.S. economy, race and rioting, Black Lives Matter, the Supreme Court, and the probity of the upcoming election. While these topics were meant to drive the majority of conversation, both candidates resorted to argumentative techniques such as name calling, talking over one another, and rebutting confrontation with a change in topic. Needless to say, many Americans left their televisions that night with disgust, frustration, and worsening confusion. Many went as far to say that it was the worst presidential debate in the history of our country. 

The following debate occurred in Salt Lake City, Utah on October 7, pinning Vice President Mike Pence against Jr. U.S. Senator Kamala Harris. Moderated by Susan Page, the debate questioned the United States’ next steps in handling the global pandemic. Harris expressed strong disapproval of the Trump administration’s handling of COVID-19, while expressing a plan to release a vaccine. Harris attacked the Trump administration’s unreleased plan for health care as well as the ever ongoing speculation around President Trump’s taxes. Pence of course offered rebuttals against Harris’s attacks, as well as highlighting a pro-life stance and approval of Amy Coney Barret’s nomination to the Supreme Court. The case of race was another hot topic; Harris claiming President Trump has not denounced white supremacy, which was staunchly rebutted by Mike Pence. All things considered, the VP debates offered a bit of logical insight into the opposing campaigns. 

The second presidential debate set to take place on October 15, in Miami, Florida was cancelled after President Donald Trump tested positive for COVID-19 on October 2. 

The third and final presidential debate occurred in Nashville, Tennessee on October 22. Kristen Welker of NBC News moderated the debate. Due to the overwhelming amount of speaking over one another in the first debate, each nominee had two minutes of a live microphone to answer their questions. After each gave their answers, the microphones were both turned on and they could discuss freely. President Trump displayed much improved composure as well as an improved bill of health, saying he had totally recovered from the coronavirus after being treated at Walter Reed Medical Center. He also expressed urgency to reopen the country and release a vaccine. Biden criticized President Trump’s handling of the pandemic and his immigration policies. In short many of the same issues were discussed in the final debate as the first, but the candidates came to the table much more composed. 

In my honest opinion, the presidential and vice presidential debates did not do justice in educating the American people. In our society strongly rooted in the media, once something controversial is said, it follows that individual wherever they go. Innocent until proven guilty is no longer the standard. As expected the debates allow candidates to make many empty promises that may or may never come to fruition. I can only hope that whoever gets elected in November will bring some desperately needed unity to our polarized nation. 





I’m Glad Senior Year Was Cancelled 

Senior Editor - SIMONE MILLER - 5/18/2020

Yes, you read that correctly. I, a 2020 graduate, am glad that the events and traditions that I was looking forward to since 2016 have been completely destroyed and replaced by virtual concepts. Now seniors, before you show up to my house and kick down my “Exeter Senior'' sign, hear me out: 

As we all know, the 2020 spring semester has been less than ideal. Graduation has been moved to being online, prom has been rescheduled in the summer, and our final weeks of high school have been spent staring at a computer screen. Yet, these series of unfortunate events have brought so much joy and gratitude into our lives without us even noticing. I’ll start off with my favorite: the Adopt-A-Senior Program.

The Adopt-A-Senior Program was recently introduced to our community on Facebook by a group of wonderful Exeter Parents who believed that our senior class deserved some happiness during these dark days. Within this program, parents could post a picture of their senior, along with their accomplishments, and another community member could “adopt” them. Once the senior is “adopted,” the adoptive family can do whatever they feel will bring the student the most joy -- whether it be a gift basket, a sign, or a car parade -- as long as they adhered to the social distancing restrictions. Recently, I was “adopted” by my sophomore friend and her family. I truly have to say it has been one of the best occurrences that I have experienced during my high school career. They made me my own sign, a photo collage, and brought a gift basket with all my favorite snacks. It truly brought a smile to my face as seemingly Christmas had returned for a second time. However, without our senior year being “cancelled” I would have never gotten this amazing experience that hopefully future students will also be able to benefit from. 

Another positive to all of this chaos is that we will be the first class to be able to decorate our graduation caps. An issue that students for years have fought for in the student forum, we will finally see it come into succession. Also, no one even needs to approve it. No moderators, no going to school and showing Mr. Campbell your masterpiece, just you and your creative mind! Go crazy and let your creativity soar.

To branch off of graduation, seniors have the ability to make our graduation personalized to our individual personalities. Since graduation will be showcased online this year, we have been given the ability to create personal renditions of us receiving our diplomas and walking across the stage without the lingering anxiety of tripping down the stairs. 

And finally, our viewpoint of high school in general has shifted. From our final day roaming the Exeter halls, to each cancellation extension, the amount of appreciation we have for our teachers and our high school experience as a whole has grown astronomically. 2020, without a pandemic, was already a difficult year for our community in many ways. But now, we can sit here and think about all of the wonderful times we had, the impactful bonds we have made, and the amazing memories that we can carry with us for the rest of our lives. 

And with that, Seniors, please remember all the good, all the fun, and all the smiles that our last few months of high school have brought to us, despite these horrible circumstances. Stay strong, and we’ll meet again soon. 

Online Classes: A Student’s Perspective 

Staff Writer - KELSEY NGUYEN - 4/27/20

Photo Courtesy of Google Images

Thoughts of summer are entering students’ minds as the end of April rolls around. Instead of entertaining these thoughts, many students have to instead do their homework and communicate with their teachers from behind a computer screen. The quarantine has caused schools around the world to adapt to government lockdowns by using technology to communicate and continue the learning processes. Many people often look at this from a negative perspective. I mean, how could you find anything positive in having to learn calculus in your bed? Well, I have found several positive ways to look at the situation:

First, online classes have forced me to become a more productive person. I have to create my own schedule, compared to my pre-made schedule that I followed during school. This has caused me to account for my own time, and I am forced to do so if I want to get those five chemistry assignments and those other four Spanish worksheets done by Friday. 

Online classes have also forced me to try to understand the information that teachers have given me to learn in a new way.  I have to learn to properly process all of the information given to me in order to complete all of my work. This has helped me retain more of the information because I have had fewer distractions, like being around my friends, within my own home rather than in school. 

While it may seem hard to communicate with teachers, I have had a seamless experience asking all of my teachers questions about homework. All of the teachers make it incredibly easy to reach out and I am able to get fast responses each time I have a question about an assignment.

Online schooling has changed my entire perspective on learning. It has made me appreciate in-person schooling more as well as helped me become a more productive person as a whole. This quarantine has been a difficult and unprecedented experience for us all, but there are many positive ideals that we can take away from this time. I believe that we can all learn to be more motivated and more productive than ever before, and when this all ends, we can take everything we learned and make a difference in the world.

Five Feet Apart is Sadly Real for All of Us

Junior Editor - CLAIRE SAMOLEWICZ - 4/2/20

Every teenager in the world right now is struggling to fight the boredom faced in quarantine. Extroverts are trying to retain their sanity while staying socially isolated, and introverts regret not going outside before they were forced by the CDC not to. Personally, I’ve taken advantage of this opportunity to relax and watch some movies that I’ve been meaning to see. Luckily, Showtime is providing free movies for us homebound for a few weeks, so I decided to take advantage of it and record some on DVR.  

One movie that caught my eye was entitled Five Feet Apart, which I thought was frightfully relatable considering the “six feet apart” rule issued by the CDC to help stop the spread of Coronavirus. The interesting part was that the movie was released in March 2019, long before the pandemic had even started. Intrigued, I decided to watch the Fault in Our Stars—esque film, expecting it to be extremely cheesy and predictable like every other coming of age teen romance movie. To my surprise, I was tearing up by the time it was over. I’m not sure if it was my pent up emotions from being quarantined for two weeks, or if I genuinely enjoyed a PG-13 rom-com, but I recommend the film if you are bored nonetheless.

Five Feet Apart is about a seventeen year old girl named Stella, played by Haley Lu Richardson, who spends most of her life in a hospital as a cystic fibrosis patient. Her life is full of routines, boundaries, and self control, all of which is put to the test when she meets Will, played by Cole Sprouse, who is a teenage boy with the same illness. They both catch feelings for each other, however, they must remain six feet apart because people with cystic fibrosis are at risk of contracting dangerous bacteria from people with the same disease. As their connection grows stronger, so does the temptation to ignore the rules and embrace their attraction for each other. 

This film reminded me how grateful I should be that my friends and family are currently safe and healthy in the world’s current circumstances. It may seem tough right now that you can’t hang out with your friends, but with today’s technology we are fortunate to have some creative ways to stay connected until we can all see each other again. I hope all of you are staying safe, healthy, and happy!

Photo courtesy of Creative Commons

A Different Perspective on the Coronavirus

Staff Writer - KELSEY NGUYEN - 4/1/20

It seems as though the world has turned upside down on its head, and with it, all of our lives. Healthcare workers are risking their lives daily in an attempt to halt this monster of a virus in its destructive path against the world. The death toll is rising so fast that the prediction for the amount of deaths is far above a hundred thousand. Grocery store shelves are empty, to the point where designated hours for the elderly to shop have to be scheduled. Our lives seem to have been put on pause, and unfortunately they may be for quite some time. There are seemingly an infinite number of ways that the situation that millions around the world are facing, is to be horrible, because there is no doubt that it absolutely is. The need for positivity in this vicious war against COVID-19 is necessary to stay sane. 

There are so many ways to take this time and use it to grow as human beings. We have already learned from 9/11 that horrible situations have an odd, but incredible way of bringing people closer together. Take this time to reflect. Learn how to cook. Write a short story. Learn how to dance. Do your laundry. Talk to your mother. Tell that one person that you love them. Tomorrow is not promised for any of us. It never has been promised to us. But, the least that we can do with the time that we have is make something out of it. For so long, we have put humanity on the back burners of society. It sounds weird, but maybe this virus was what we as a world needed to rediscover what it means to live. Not to just exist. 

Parasite Takes Control of the 2020 Oscars: Spoiler Warning!


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Bong Joon Ho’s satirical suspense thriller Parasite made history at this year’s Academy Awards. Not only was it the first foreign film to win best picture, but it also took home best directing, international feature film, and original screenplay, winning more awards than any other movie this year. Parasite is a beautifully filmed nightmare portraying the themes of class structure, status envy, and aspiration with metaphorical symbols hidden in every shot, leaving the audience speechless once the ending credits appear. 

The “parasite” in question is a South Korean family whose existence is sustained by latching onto others. As the story begins, they lose access to the free wifi from the business operating above their underground apartment, causing them to desperately hold their phones towards the ceiling in an attempt to regain signal. The Kim family consists of dad, Ki-Taek, mom, Chung-sook, daughter, Ki-jung, and son, Ki-woo, who all work as box folders for a local pizzeria. The plot begins to unfold when Ki-woo’s friend Min asks him to step in as a tutor for a rich teenage girl while he’s studying abroad. Min also gifts him with a stone that represents material wealth, and Ki-woo ironically exclaims, “This is so metaphorical!”. With the help of a fake diploma photoshopped by his sister, Ki-woo impresses the nice, but naive, Mrs. Park and gets the tutoring job. 

When he meets the Park’s 8-year-old problem child, he creates an elaborate lie about an art tutor he knows who could help the boy, AKA his sister Ki-jung. The Park boy has an obsession with Native Americans, which foreshadows the Parks’ eventual fate. The Kim family quickly and comedically infiltrates the two remaining servant positions in the Park household by framing the Park’s chauffeur to get him fired, and convincing Mrs. Park that the housekeeper, Moon Gwang, has tuberculosis. 

As the Kim’s “move in”, Bong turns their actions into symbolism. Their constant climbing up and down staircases illustrates the ease in which the Kims transition between their different roles. The most disturbing metaphor occurs halfway through the movie. The discovery of a secret bomb shelter below the Parks’ basement is revealed. The exposure of the bunker is the defining moment in the film that twists this dark-comedy into a thriller. As the Kims are walking home that night, a treacherous rainstorm floods their basement apartment, representing the lies that they are drowning in. 

In the end, no one, including the Parks, is left completely blameless. Perhaps the most terrifying message from this film is that no one is ever completely safe. Even as the Kims took over the Park household, there was never a guarantee that they could protect each other. Despite all the money and status the Parks possess, they lose far more than tangible possessions.

Parasite encouraged me to step out of my movie comfort zone as it is a film with subtitles, which many people may find intimidating. Many foreign films have unique ways of illustrating plotlines with a certain depth that many American films lack. I would encourage you to broaden your horizons in film and break through the minuscule barrier of language to discover a completely different movie-watching experience. 

Have an idea for an article? Feedback or comments? Email the Talon staff by contacting Mr. Wisniewski: mawisniewski@exetersd.org