English 105

English 105 is a faster paced course that teaches students how to integrate sources into argumentative and persuasive writing. Instead of teaching habits and skills to prepare you for college level writing, it instead focuses on practicing a specific type of writing. This class focuses heavily on teaching you how to analyze and write research based texts. So expect to read and research much more in 105. This English class is college level, so expect a higher workload and for it to go faster then 102. But don't let that scare you! I know words like “fast pace” and “college level” can seem intimidating but I promise you it's not. if you can manage your time, English 105 will offer you valuable writing tools for research based papers and how to analyze texts.

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Researching a New Topic

In English 105 we still did journal entries but they were more research-based than respond-based. We got to use databases and learn about a topic of our choice, however for us it had to be technologically based. I chose to do my research on Echo Chambers and this is the first page of the cover letter I wrote about my research.

Getting Comfortable With The Research Process

Research at all stages is a big theme in English 105. I got to learn all about databases, finding reliable sources, and integrating those sources into my paper. This has greatly helped me in all aspects of my college career. In this journal entry, I talk about my trials using databases and brainstorming a topic.

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Tips from past students on how to be successful!

  1. Time management is key in 105

  2. Don't leave journal entries to the last minute! You will regret it.

  3. Be realistic about what grade you want. Don’t stress yourself going for an A if it's not feasible. It is better to go for a B and do the work then stress yourself trying for an A and falling behind.

  4. I found making a schedule for journal entries and strictly following it made it so I never felt overwhelmed and I didn't miss a deadline.

  5. 500 / 1000 words for journal entries may seem like a lot but if you give yourself enough time you can get them done.