English 102

English 102 is one of the two options freshman can pick for their first English class. This class focuses on teaching skills and habits you will need in your other college classes while also teaching you how to be successful in college writing. Some of these skills include prewriting, drafting, revising and how to navigate the different resources that are available at CSUCI. This class will also fulfill your E: Life-Long & Self-Development GE. Unlike English 105, this class is a bit slower paced and focuses more on building these skills you will need in your academic career. I personally found this class extremely helpful, and it served as a nice transition from highschool to college writing. But it is a slower paced class, so if you are used to more of a challenge or like faster paced courses, this class might not be the best fit for you.

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Journal Entries

Here are two short excerpts from Journal entries I wrote in English 102. Journal entries were are writing assignments that we had to complete every week. While the word count at first was a little intimidating, it became much easier as I wrote more and more. Journal entries were very helpful as they allowed me to explore and better my writing in a nonstressful environment.

The Freedom to Choose Our Own Book

Both of these entries are about the book I chose to read, The Secret History of Witches. We all got to choose our own book to read for the class. I really loved this freedom for my first semester English class and it made writing these all the more enjoyable.

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Tips from past students on how to be successful!

  1. (If your completely online) get the class activities done early in the week

  2. Don't be scared to ask questions!

  3. Revision is something that is focused on heavily in 102 so make sure you learn as much as you can! It's an important skill.

  4. The journal entries might seem like a lot but trust me if you can make a schedule you can easily get them done