Town Halls > Artifacts from September 22, 2022 Town Hall

Artifacts from West Clermont Town Hall
September 22, 2022 at West Clermont High School

Event Details

LocationWest Clermont High School

Date:  Thursday, September 22 , 2022

Time:  7 PM

Number of participants:  47

Number of tables: 10


Introduction and Call to Action:  Natasha L. Adams, West Clermont Superintendent and CEO

Moderator:  David Brake

Town Hall Kick-off Video

YouTube Live Stream Archived Recording

Summary of Activities
Tables consisted of 4-6 randomly selected participants and a facilitator. After an overview of district information as well as recent REACT survey data, each table completed a data review of existing circumstances and then a solutions brainstorming session for 1 of the 5 topics.

The 5 topics were:

Tables then categorized each solution into one of three categories: Traditional, Enhanced, or Innovative. Finally, each table compiled their solutions onto a poster.

Solutions and Suggestions from Participants

To view all of the solutions that groups submitted on their posters for each topic, click on one of the links below:

To view pictures of the posters, click on one of the pictures below.:

Photos from the Town Hall at WCHS
