
Grades in this course are not as important as you understanding the concepts and tools that we go over, and thoughtfully beginning to build your course.

OUR grading practice

Each assessment will be evaluated based on the provided rubric and awarded a complete or incomplete. We don’t want you to worry about grades, but we want you to experience the LMS from the student side, so we are using a simple Complete/Incomplete scheme for all assignments.

We do our best to grade all of your submissions within a week of their due date. If you submit an assignment late, it might take us a few extra days to return to past assignments. We enjoy giving you detailed feedback in the form of written, video and audio comments. You are always invited to re-submit an assignment if we've given you some feedback to implement. We don't take submitting an assignment late, or needing to re-submit, into account when evaluating your assignments on a Complete/Incomplete scale.

How to find your grades & feedback

How We Use Rubrics

With each of our activities and assessment, we have provided a rubric to help clearly explain and detail our expectations for a completed submission. More importantly, these rubrics help to keep us honest and transparent. It is one step we are taking to achieve greater equity in our teaching. By following our own rubrics as we assess your submissions, we aim to reduce our bias and remove any hidden assumptions around academic culture such as punctuation, spelling, paragraph structures, etc.