Virtual OER Petting Zoo

Open Educational Resources (OER) are free or low cost teaching and learning materials that are licensed, often under an OER License term, to allow users to retain a copy of the content and reuse, revise, remix and redistribute it. OERs can include textbooks, videos, tests, entire courses, course modules, and syllabi.
One part of the journey toward deciding if OER fits the needs of your courses is exploring what OERs other faculty colleagues within our own district are using in their courses. Our Virtual OER Petting Zoo will help you explore resources chosen by SMCCCD colleagues. Common OERs currently adopted by SMCCCD faculty this semester are showcased below. Click through highlighted resources and explore!

Explore OERs in use for Spring 2021

Currently adopted for HIST 202

Currently adopted for SPAN 131, 132, & 140

Currently adopted for ANTH 110

Currently adopted for PSYC 100

Explore OERs in use at College of San Mateo

Currently adopted for BIOL 100

Currently adopted for BIOL 145
& BIOL 220

Currently adopted for CHEM 210
& CHEM 220

Currently adopted for COMM 110

An Introduction to Computer Networks - Second Edition

Currently adopted for CIS 151

Explore OERs in use at Skyline College

Currently adopted for BIOL 310

Currently adopted for HIST 201, 202, 235, 248

Currently adopted for ECE 201, and PYSC 200 & 201

Currently adopted for ART 117

Volumes 1, 2, & 3

Currently adopted for PHYS 250, 260, & 270

Currently adopted for ECON 102