Reflection as a tool


This Adobe Spark is to help you think about how to write a reflection. This is an academic reflection, whether you include literature for your personal reflections is up to you.

We would recommend that you use a model... placements are a lovely opportunity to try out different models... see which ones you like and which challenge you...

Reflections in a Remote placement setting could be used for a range of different reasons for example:

  • Describing an event where the educator was not present, e.g. engaging with a client with a different member of the team, or interviewing an actor for an organised fictitious case study. The student can succinctly explain what happened and demonstrate their learning from the experience.

  • Demonstrating anti-oppressive practice. This is often hard to demonstrate especially on a remote placement. However a reflection can be used after reading or watching something linked to the client group, to enable the student to share/explore feelings and challenge preconceptions. It could also be used to explore reasoning behind a decision, for example creating a easy read leaflet for a specific population.

  • Demonstrating your clinical reasoning. Reflections can be used whenever the student needs to make a key decision in a client's care, this can be as small as how to start a conversation to making recommendations for discharge. Reflections can ensure the educator understands why the student made/suggested these decisions, their thought processes and their professional reasoning.

How much is too much?

Educators and students need to talk about reflections, what is expected of both the student and the educator? Does the educator expect a weekly reflection or only after an event? Does the student want regular feedback on their reflections?

There isn't a right or a wrong answer to this, find a balance.

The same goes for length of reflections. A good reflection should be no more than a page, so cut the waffle and get to the important/insightful bits. But don't just make it a couple of lines as this wont be enough for real deep insights to form.