How to Evidence your learning

  • Evidencing your work is a way to enable you to have an ongoing dialog with your practice educator.

  • Remember your educator is busy so think about how you present your work and how often.

  • Its good to have a conversation early about how you share your work.

Here are some ideas for ways you can share your ideas...

Google Applications

If your educator has a Google account then you can share your work and they can keep up to date with your progress and make suggestive notes.

Google Slides - Google Sites - Google Docs


If your practice educator does not work for the University then they probably don't have access to PebblePad. However, you can still use PebblePad to store your reflections, documents and even to create an activity log.

Remember you can use applications such as microsoft word and powerpoint, store them on PebblePad and then present them to your educator or email them.

Adobe express also has a series of features including presentation and slide show. This tool might be useful when looking for creative ways to share information.

Reflections are a fantastic tool to explore and explain your thought processes, both to yourself and to your educator. On a face to face placement, students will continuously be reflecting in informal discussions, however the opportunities to do this on a remote placement are few and far between. Click on the heading for ideas for managing this.