Welcome to Session 3

3.1 Welcome and Introduction

In session three, you'll be covering:
3.2. Activity: Adapting to Your Changing Situation - These games and discussion boards give you space to reflect on how you approach change.
3.3 Activity: Your New Situation - These practical tools enable you to plan your work.
3.4 Your Attributes - Here you can reflect on how you have developed this week.
3.5 Your Attributes - And here you can start thinking about the week ahead.
3.6 Additional learning - If you'd like to do more on this theme there is more info here.

3.2 Activity Set: Adapt to Your Changing Situation

a) This lighthearted game will give you an interactive introduction into some of the things you might want to consider and plan for in adapting to your new situation.

Click NEXT to start the game.

b) In this activity, you will share and discuss with your peers how you have previously adapted to new situations.

Click the pink + symbol to add your thoughts and comment.

c) In this activity, you will hear about some of the ways your peers adapted to their working environments and consider you own plans.

3.3 Activity Set: Your New Situation

a) In Task 2, we are going to look at project planning, starting with this example brief from charity 'Home from Home'.

Copy of Activity 2a. Example Project Brief

b) In this task, you will review our attempt at breaking down the project brief, to create tangible outcomes, tasks and questions.

Copy of Activity 2b. Completed project brief Home from Home

c) In this task, you will have the opportunity to break down your own project brief, following the same format in task . Please ensure you have your project brief to hand prior to starting.

Click NEXT below to start

3.4 Your Attributes - Reflect

At the end of Session 2, we asked you to identify one of your personal attributes, and spend some time reflecting on how you have been demonstrating and developing this attribute in your placement so far. Please use the space below to reflect on how you have developed this attribute, by answering the questions

3.5 Your Attributes - Take Action

Again, ahead of next week, we would like you to identify another personal attribute and spend some time reflecting on how you are using or developing this attribute during your placement. Regular reflection at the end of the working day is essential to be able to recognise how you are developing.

3.6 You've completed session three!

Some optional additional courses and information have been curated to help enhance your knowledge and skills. You don’t have to read or do them all, but do browse them and use what will be of the greatest value to you:

Browse Additional Resources to Support Your Placement