Welcome to Session 2

In session two, you'll be covering:
2.2 Activity: Your Industry - Here you will explore change in relation to your industry
2.3 Where are you going? - On this message board you can share with a community of peers
2.4 Getting Ready - These videos introduce you to some big ideas from inspirational speakers.
2.5 Activity: Reflection - In this activity you'll reflect on how you're preparing for success
2.6 Activity: Professional Communication - Here you are guided through the essentials of professional communication
2.7 Digital Technologies - A practical tool to help with video meetings
2.8 Your Attributes - Action - This is your chance to revisit an attribute you have worked on this week
2.9 Additional Resources - If you want to do more on this theme, there is more info here. 

2.2 Activity: Your Industry

2.3 Where are you going?

2.4 Getting Ready

2.4 Getting Ready - Inspirational TED talks

2.5 Activity: Reflection

2.6 Activity: Professional Communication 

Professional Communication

2.7 Digital Technologies

Meetings of the future will become more commonplace online, via platforms like zoom and webex, than what we were ever used to before.  Above, we've linked a brief introductory video to using zoom, one of the most commonly used video conferencing platforms, and if you visit www.zoom.us/resources you can see  whole host of short 1-2 minute videos which show you how to get the best out of this fantastic technology - screen sharing, video recordings and more - so please review these, as video conferencing is likely to play a key part in your Internship.

"In a matter of weeks, tools that many people had barely handled before the pandemic have become everyday necessities. Huge numbers have attended online work meetings and social gatherings for the first time, with video conferencing apps downloaded a record 62 million times over 10 days in March. Zoom, like Google, has become a verb." - The Guardian, May 2020

2.8 Your Attributes - Take Action

Ahead of the next session, we would like you to choose one of the personal attributes you identified in Session 1, and spend some time reflecting on how you are using or developing this during your placement. You will likely be developing many of your personal attributes as you progress in your placement, and it’s important to take time for regular reflection so that you can recognise your own personal development, and the impact you are having, which will in turn set you up for success in the future.

 Please now take some time to revisit the personal attributes you noted in Session 1 (activity 1.4).

 Choose one of these attributes, and spend some time at the end of each day or week (depending on the format and duration of your placement) reflecting on how you are using this attribute and developing it. 

We will capture your thoughts and feedback in the next session 

2.9 You've completed session two! 

Some optional additional courses and information have been curated to help enhance your knowledge and skills. You don’t have to read or do them all, but do browse them and use what will be of the greatest value to you:

Browse Additional Resources to Support Your Placement