
The S2 curriculum reinforces the skills from S1: reading, writing, listening and talk. Students are introduced to the science fiction genre and will continue to work on their creative writing and critical writing skills. Students will also give presentations and class talks as this is assessed formally in the senior phase at N4, N5 and Higher. Students will end the year looking at Film and Media skills.

Student’s literacy periods will continue to examine accuracy in writing, as well as RUAE skills. They will also take part in an IDL project with the history department. This will encourage effective research skills and will focus on the Civil Rights Movement.

Students also have continue to have one reading period a week. They visit the library, take part in quiet reading and are given book talks and recommendations by our librarian, Mrs Toonen. Students in S2 are encouraged to challenge themselves with their reading in order to improve their reading age and literacy.

Class Reading List

I am Malala – Malala Yousafzai

Fleshmarket – Nicola Morgan

Skellig – David Almond

Toffee – Sarah Crossan

Malarkey – Keith Grey

Mosi’s War – Cathy MacPhail


Students are given various homework tasks throughout the year and may be given work to complete at home. There is an expectation that students should read every night before bed and complete and return their library books fortnightly. We encourage students to read a variety of writing e.g. newspaper articles, magazines, novels, non-fiction and biographies