Week 6 – Everyday Consumer Products and Energy from Fuels

Week Beginning: 19th March

Topic: Everyday consumer products & Energy from Fuels

Key Definitions:

Alcohols – uses, mpt/bpt trends, functional group, general formula, systematic naming.

Carboxylic Acids – Uses, solubility, mpt/bpt trends, functional group, general formula, neutralisation reactions, ph<7.

Past Paper Questions:

Int 2 2007 - Section A: 4,6,9,10,18,19,20,24 25 Section B: 1a, 1bi, 2a, 3bi, 3bii, 4b, 6a, 6c, 9b, 11c, 13ai

N5 2014 - Section B: 8bi, 8bii, 8biii

Week Beginning: 26th March

Topic: Energy From Fuels

Key Definitions:

Exothermic/Endothermic reactions

Definition of Combustion

Products of Combustion


Correct units for each identified

Past Paper Questions:

N5 2014 - Section A:14 Section B:9c

N5 2015 - Section B: 6c, 8a, 8b