Recovery (3R's)


- Refuse/Reduce > reuse > refill > repair > recycle > rot

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

- Check with the local municipality and university 

- If not recyclable there, check with third parties

- For every recycling program, sort and clean your items

- All else being equal, recycled content > recyclable

- All else being equal, post-consumer > pre-consumer

- Look for the amount of recycled content when buying


Circular Economy

Circular economy

According to the EPA, "A circular economy keeps materials and products in circulation for as long possible."

"Cradle to Cradle"


Take, make, & Dispose

Recycling FAQ

Should I choose recycled or recyclable products?


What is better: post-consumer or pre-consumer?

“Post-Consumer waste” refers to material that was recycled after humans used it. All else equal, this is usually preferable to “pre-consumer waste” or “post-industrial waste.”

What is the difference between “upcycling” and “recycling?”

Recycling- sometimes referred to as downcycling- breaks down or chemically alters materials to be transformed into something new. Over time, this may result in lower quality and harder to recycle items. Upcycling repurposes an existing item without changing its structure. For example, a teapot can be converted into a plant pot just by adding dirt. 

What does the recycling symbol mean?

Resin codes show the type of plastic an item is made of. It assists with sorting at the recycling plant. To avoid confusion with the recycling symbol, an updated variation uses solid triangles instead of arrows.

The Resin Code is ordered by general ease of recycling. In the past, recyclers taught residents to recycle only 1 and 2. Now, many facilities can recycle other plastics yet face logistical barriers. A list of items is usually shared with consumers instead of numbers.

Recycle Brevard describes the resin codes on their blog.

The mobius loop/chasing arrows symbol is public domain. Any company may add it to their product. Various agencies and governments have tried to standardize its use, but there are no standard meanings in the United States or Florida.

Typically, a company will include this to show the packaging is recyclable, partially recycled, or fully recycled. When in doubt, check with the company.

How2Recycle aims to provide standardized and clear disposal information based on national legislation. Companies that sign up as members of How2Recycle submit to a recyclability assessment of their packaging. 

This logo is more reliable than others at determining what to do with waste, but it is always best to check with your local recycler.

The Green Dot is a label indicating the company supports recovery and recycling of packaging. It does not refer to the particular packaging it appears on, just that the company generally supports the act. For example, the company may donate profits to advance recycling solutions.

Primarily a European symbol, it was discontinued in the U.S in January 2024.

Resin Codes

Mobius Loop/Chasing Arrows


The product says it can be recycled. Can it really?

Sometimes. When in doubt, check with your locality.

- Almost everything is recyclable, but cost and effort may deter it

- Some recyclable products can only be effectively recycled a few times, whereas others can be recycled many times

- Just because something can be recycled is no guarantee it will be. Further, there will always be exceptions locally

- Alternate streams available for otherwise “hard-to-recycle waste." Check the resources to find information.

Do your recyclables really get recycled or do they end up in a Brevard landfill? |  Florida Today 

Are the resources used to recycle worth it?

- Normally yes!

- Uses less energy and water and resources compared to creating virgin products

     - Recycled aluminum uses 90% less energy than virigin 

Tell me about recycling contamination.

- Problem in every recycling operation

- Occurs when consumers bin items not intended for recycling

- It can potentially cause the entire batch of items, accepted or not, to be thrown out

- Double check with the recycling collection if an item is accepted

- Unless said otherwise or organic material, assume you should clean and dry the item (if possible)

End-of-Life FAQ

What is the difference between compostable and biodegradable?

Compostable and biodegradable materials both biodegrade. Biodegrade refers to materials that break down into their original components (carbon dioxide, biomass, and water).

Compostable products are organic matter that biodegrade and disintegrate within 90 days and leave no residue. Compostable is a regulated term- companies must meet ASTM standards. Compostable materials break down under controlled conditions, generally an industrial composter. 

Biodegradable is any material that biodegrades. It can take any amount of time (e.g., 90 days or decades). Biodegradable materials can still leave residue.

“Oxodegradable” refers to plastics with additives to help it break down faster. 

“Photogradable” refers to plastics that react with sunlight to break down faster.

What are the effects of landfills, incinerators, and recycling plants?


municipal solid waste landfill

industrial waste landfill

hazardous waste landfill

green waste landfill

open dumpsites

underground water pollution

air pollution due to suspension of particles, (c) odor pollution from the deposition of municipal solid waste (MSW), and (d) even marine pollution from any potential run-of


Recycling Plans


Recycling claims




Recycling tends to be resource intensive and can result in lower quality material over time. This is not as much of a problem with upcycling. 

"Made with recycled material"

- How much is recycled? Which parts? 

“100% post-consumer recycled content”

- no virgin products

- items were previously used

"Rescued" Food

Prevents food loss and waste by reclaiming food left to rot in the field (gleaned), rejected for aesthetics (rescued), or thrown out as recipe byproducts (upcycled). Reducing food waste is a top solution to climate change according to Project Drawdown

“Recyclable” or “100% recyclable”

- Unfortunately, this is a common greenwashing claim (see greenwashing page).

- This claim is most credible if the product would otherwise be difficult to recycle. For example, shiny wrapping paper is not accepted by most recycling companies, so Wrappily engineers wrapping paper to be “recyclable. 


- Recycled #1 plastic

End-of-Life Claims



Home Compostable

There are very few wrappers that can be home composted, but they exist. For example, Alter Eco has created a home compostable wrapping for its chocolate.

Compost is usually better than landfill for organic matter (paper, food) that can decompose in the landfill and release methane

Industrial Compostable

- There are no industrial composters currently near Melbourne.

- Sending compostable materials to the landfill will result in no net GHG reduction or will release methane, which is worse than CO2 (verify)

Closed Loop & Refillable

- Mail back or drop-off product leftovers

See examples below.


It’s complicated. (see FAQ) 

Repairable or Modular

- Fewer wasted parts

- Smaller parts can pose problems; dispose responsibly

Single-Stream Recycling

- Easily contaminated.

- Unlikely to go away if companies do not expect consumers will take the time to sort their waste properly.

Special Recycling Programs

Special Recycling Programs Examples

Zero Waste Ideas

Prevent microfiber pollution through washing machine

- Wash less

- Machine wash on cold cycle

- Wash full load

- Use less detergent

- Use front loading washer

- Dry laundry old fashioned

- Use Guppy Bags or Cora Balls

Reusable food packaging

- Reuse food containers #5 

- Use beeswax wrap (like Abeego) instead of clingwrap

- Use silicon packaging (like re(zip) )

Special Recycling Programs

- TerraCycle, most waste products

- Candy wrappers

- Electronics

- Denim

- Lego

- 3D Printing Filament

- Crayons (discontinued)

- Shoes

- Clothing

- Cork:  Recork (Free, Drop-off)  -OR- CorkClub (Mail, pay for shipping)


Carbon-negative products

- Carpet

- Jet Fuel

- Ink

- Diamonds

Brand Takeback Programs

Repairable items

Glass Half Full Recycling

Learn More

The 3 R's

About Recycling Symbols

- The Origin of the Recycling Symbol | MTSU

- The History of Recycling Symbols: From Concept to Global Icon | Kimecopak

Reuse & Reduce

- Secondhand 101

Local Recycling Info

- Recycle Brevard

- Brevard County Recyclopedia

- Florida Tech Facilities

Recycling Locators

- Earth911

- Pizza Box Recycling Locator

- Plastic Bank company pays people to collect trash from waterways, then partners with other companies to recycle it into useable products

- Business Insider's World Wide Waste series explores unique challenges and solutions to waste.

Circular Economy

Lifecycle Assessments

- Life Cycle Initiative details single-use products and their alternatives