English as a

Second Language

The Advanced Technology Academy English Learner Program is designed to develop the reading, speaking, listening, and writing skills of students who enter the school and are not proficient in the English language.

All Kindergarten students and new entrants are evaluated upon entry into the school to determine their eligibility for the English Learner (EL) Program. This program provides English Language Learners (ELL) with the appropriate support services needed to achieve and maintain a satisfactory level of academic performance and ensure a smooth transition into regular classes. All students are identified as ELL by Parent Language Surveys upon enrollment in our school.

Michigan State regulations determine eligibility requirements for this program. Students in grades K-12 receive services from a qualified teacher in multiple methods. A variety of materials and activities are utilized by our ESL teachers to develop students' linguistic skills.

Students in the program take the WIDA assessment in the spring each year to determine level of proficiency using the English language.