ELA & Humanities Scorecard

CRE ELA Curriculum Scorecard 2.0.pdf

Here you will find the full ELA Curriculum Scorecard Guide that is designed to support curriculum review in the humanities. However, the videos below will walk you through the process of using the essential Scorecard materials without having to review the full guide

NOTE: The materials provided below are designed to support you through each step of the review. They are provided to you in a sequential manner that is designed to scaffold your training and lead you through an activity of using the Scorecard. You might find that you want to print the materials below before starting.

STEP 2: Pull out keywords that represent each statement that the evaluation team can look for.
Once you have your curriculum and the scorecard in hand, review the statements for the scorecard you will begin with (Representation, Social Justice or Teachers Materials). Make sure the if you are working as a team that the team understands each statement. Refer to the Glossary and Explanations below with any questions you may have. Chart key words, ideas and qualities from the statements that you will be looking for as you read the curriculum. This will help ensure that as you read, you are focused on the information you’ll need in order to effectively score.

CRE ELA Curriculum Scorecard: Character:Author Tally.pdf
CRE ELA Curriculum Scorecard- Representation.pdf
CRE ELA Curriculum Scorecard- Social Justice.pdf
CRE ELA Curriculum Scorecard Appendix.Glossary.pdf
CRE ELA Curriculum Scorecard-Teachers Materials.pdf

3. Conduct the evaluation.
The scorecard asks for your level of satisfaction with the curriculum on various measures. There is no right answer; this is just your opinion as someone who cares about culturally responsive education. As you answer each statement, use the Scoring Guidelines (see below) to help you decide your ratings.

CRE Score Guidelines.pdf

You will track your scoring in the Scorecard Google Form linked below. You will want to have one tab open with the Google Form and one tab open with this page. This way you can toggle back and forth between the two tabs and complete the Scorecard more efficiently.

Please note: All materials submitted by MVYPS educators for the purpose of this training/practice will not be used for teacher evaluation purposes!

STEP 4. Score the evaluation.
Tally your score for each section of the scorecard. A curriculum may excel in one area and fall short in another, and it is important to record those differences. You should come out with one score for each of the following sections: 

+ Representation 

+ Social Justice 

+ Teachers Materials

+ Materials/Resources

A scoring and interpreting guides (Scorecard Calculations and Interpreting Your Scores) are provided to you below, but you will input your scores in the Google Form that you used in STEP 3 and should be open in a separate tab on your computer.

STEAM Scoring Calculations.pdf
CRE ELA Curriculum Scorecard- Interpreting Scores 1.pdf
CRE ELA Curriculum Scorecard- Interpreting Represenation.pdf
CRE ELA Curriculum Scorecard- SocialJustice.pdf
CRE ELA Curriculum Scorecard-Teacher Materials.pdf

STEP 4 (cont.). Share the results 


We will collect the results of your score cards as a way to look at the overall review process, get feedback on your experience and to hear what you learned. Note: This is the beginning of a practice that MVYPS will be adopting as part of a curriculum review cycle. You are not being evaluated on your scorecards. The results will allow district leaders to support training for using a CRE curriculum review tool and to report out to DESE that we are engaging in this practice.


STEP 5. Discuss with your team, a colleague, or as a school (optional/suggested practice).

Discuss the process with your team or join up with a colleague.

This is also an opportunity to strategize about next steps.